Russian Assassination and Batgirl

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|Renegade's Safe House

|June 22, 20:10 EDT

|Renegade Year 4

After going through the Russians firewalls Renegade saw something in their mission reports, it was triple-encrypted. After taking down the firewalls he found out hat these files are in fact about him, or rather his mission in Russia last year when he was still with Deathstroke.

|Moscow, Russian

|December 2, 19:34 MSK

|Renegade Year 3

Renegade stood over the tall tower looking down on his target, a Russian man who goes by the name Miloslav Smirnov. Deathstroke wanted him dead, he had a big history in the killing for the corrupt official business. His worth was 27 Million U.S dollars. Renegade knew he wouldn't be getting any share of the prize but at least he will not get tortured if he succeeded. The night was cold or freezing if he was in his normal suit, but he wasn't, he was in his winter suit which gave him a pair of goggles and a scarf for his face and a puffier suit hoo was insulated. It did mean he was slower but so were the guards and if he were freezing he would be a lot slower then he was now.

As he pulled out his grappling hook he noticed his first mistake of the night, his target just entered a one entry one exit room with no windows, which means no crashing in and minimal kills. He will have to do this the hard way, neutralize the enemy by sneaking and silent kills, and shit his luck was bad he didn't have a silencer on him, well that just means he will have to do it the hard way. No guns only knife's.

Once he grappled down toward the building, he used a guard as a pillow of sots pushing him into the corridor, this effectively took out the guard. As he snooks past the second guard, he used a knife too stabbed out his kneecap and put a hand on his mouth to keep him from alerting the other guards that he had arrived. He then proceeded to slit the guard's throat and put him on the door gently to prevent the other 12 guards from hearing him. He then pulled out 8 ninja stars and threw them at the guard's jugular vein, this killed them pretty fast the other 4 guard's turn around and spotted him rushing towards them.

He disarms one by pulling his gun away from him and then beat him with his own gun which was silenced. He smirked under his scarf knowing that he could kill the other 3 guards without anyone even noticing. In the 2 minutes that he had started to infiltrate the base, he had injured one guard and killed 12 other one's the last one stood up from his beating and went into a fighting stance.

The guard threw a punch at Renegade but he ducked and uppercut the guard using his powerful legs from his circus days to hit the guy. He had heard a crack and judging by the guard's bleeding nose he had broken it, he then proceeded to kick him in the ribs and twisted his body so he could land a finishing blow. He then let a knife drop down and stabbed his neck which killed the man. The red and green clad kid then knocked down the door, there were his target, Miloslav Smirnov and two guards, who were waiting for him, he threw 2 of his shuriken at the men and grinned when he saw that they impaled the guards eyes, they the died as he pulled out his 2 Beretta 92FS, he pulled the triggers and the bullets went through the man's heart and head.

Renegade soon realized his second error of the night he let his target have time to announce his presence to the rest of the guard's who would be rushing in right in 2 minutes. His mission was semi-successful he managed to kill the target but he alerted everyone to his position. This would mean that he will be receiving his punishment but it will be passed as a training exercise like how long can you stand intense interrogation.

As the guards started to pile in he shot them and run toward them, jumped in the air roundhouse kicked one and shot 2 others in the head, instakill. He threw a bola at 2 of them and shot another in the leg will throwing 5 shurikens towards upcoming targets. As he landed, he caught one of the punches being thrown at him by a guard and pulled him in front, the guard was now a human shield full of bullet holes. As he threw the bullet fulled guard at the living guard's Renegade slide across the room picked up an AK-74 (A/N it's actually a real gun used by the soviet union so yeah AK-74 is a real thing apparently) and started to fire it at the guards.

He was now on a railing jumping down with a pair of Markorov PB pistols and fired upon the guard he threw a grenade down on the streets to cause some chaos and grappled out of there but, one of the soldiers grabbed on to his capes so he shot him in the head when he landed on the tower were Deathstroke was supposed to meet him.

"My apprentice you have failed me yet again why do you have to keep doing this to your self Renegade," Deathstroke told the child. He then shot the assassin in the shoulder and punched him in the face.

"Master, I killed the target sure I did kill a thew hundred guards in the process, but either then that everything went smoothly," Renegade told the man who had trained him.

"Yes but now there will be a record of you doing the killing in the Russians records which leads to no deals with Russia which defeats the purpose why we came here so from now on you will not be able to return to Russia." The terminator told him

|Renegade's Safe House

|June 22, 21:52 EDT

|Renegade Year 4

As he remembered that mission he heard his proximity alarm go off which meant an intruder was in his safe house. Renegade took out his custom Glock 17 and aimed it at the skylight were his alarm was set off. "Who's there. Show your self!" he said to the ceiling and all of a sudden a bat-a-rang came hurling toward's Renegade, he rolled out of the way and shot at the intruder now identified as Batman.

He threw a shuriken at the bat-themed hero but missed. Renegade then yelled, "Batsy what are you doing here this is my home and your breaking and entering."

"I'm not the Batman," a feminine voice told Renegade, "My name is Batgirl and you are under arrest for murder and theft Renegade."

"As you could ever catch me Batgirl," he told the female bat, as he ran for the exit he threw an exploding shuriken at her, she didn't expect it and was thrown to the grown. "You know that Batman can't stop me so why do you think that you, his sidekick could do it. Oh, and by the way, it looks like to me that you aren't even good enough to join the others in there Junior Justice League" Renegade told the now prone Batgirl. Then a real bat-a-rang appeared and hit him in the shoulder and the real Batman leaped down and picked up Batgirl. He looked at Renegade and told him in a deep menacing voice "If you kill one more person I will come and get you myself" "So you got yourself a new sidekick, may I ask you it is" Renegade inquired in a joking manner. " She isn't my sidekick she dresses like my and fights crime but we are not partner's and I will not give you her identity considering you are a criminal." With that, he parted of and left Renegade all alone again thinking about his past.

A/N: Well that's another chapter done I now there short but hey at least there just one day apart from one another. So I really liked this chapter it was quite fun to make too and if you are wondering about the gun names they are in fact real-life gun's that the Russians actually use I did not make any of those up I did my research which consisted of searching up "Russian handgun list" or "Russian assault rifle list" hopefully I'm not on any government watchlist cause of this. Also very proud to introduce Batgirl or Barbara Gordon to the story and to be honest I was just bored and decided to throw a random twist in there to see if I could grab your attention. Next Chapter will focus on the team and maybe a little on what Renegade those on his free time. I also want to touch a little bit on Renegade's origin story, it will be shattered in pieces throw out this fanfic. So yeah 2 more thing before I sign off tonight I want to have a 3000-word chapter for chapter 3, so don't be surprised if I don't update till next weekend. Last thing if we didn't figure it out yet Renegade's costume is Robin's costume from the New 52! comics and is, in fact, the cover for this story so now you know.

P.S I wrote this from 11:02 PM to like 1:12 Am I'm a slow writer I blame all the research anyway bye. Also, the video is just my favorite Young Justice AMV of all time just wanted to share that with you guys.


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