Chapter 1

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Juniper's Pov

I was walking down the dirt road to my house, kicking the ground not wanting to actually go home. I look up to see Henry Bowers sitting with his friends and my brother Victor. It's not that I hate my brother's friends... I just don't like that they beat up my friends.

Henry Bowers is a little strange. My brother says he really likes me. I am absolutely disgusted with him, he beats up my friends in order to impress me. It does NOT impress me.

I break out of thought when I hear my brother yell at me. I walk over slowly not quite ready to se Henry again today. My brother walks over and hugs me, "Hey if you're going inside be quiet mom's asleep." I nod in response quietly opening our front door. I go to my room and take a nap.

As I wake up I hear my mom yelling at my brother. I climb out my window before my mom can get to me. She has always scared me... but I guess she wasn't always this scary. Before dad left she was nice, pretty, skinny, and never yelled at us. Then he was gone and she changed, and not for the better. In any case I ran.

I start running and don't stop until I'm at the barrens. I hate it down here, it scares just as much as my mom. Henry brought me down here and told me he would beat up my friends, but only because he was mad I wouldn't hangout with him.

My friends Bill, Beverly, Richie, Eddie, stan, Mike, and Ben. They have always  been there for me, and I hope they always will be. Of course I missed a lot because I wasn't really aloud to leave my house cause of my mom. They caught me up with stories of their adventures to find Georgie and running into this thing. I never quite believed in the monster thing they saw, but something about me being in the barrens where they saw it made me remember it was real.

I start running again and then I hear something.

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