Chapter 2: This isn't what I wanted

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5 years and 7 months later at a cemetery (so Izuku is like 10 now and its December) 

Izuku and Mitsuki are out in the cemetery holding some flowers. The grave they are standing over is Inko Midoryias. Izukus mother. Izuku did visit her gave a lot and took care of it cleaning it. Today though was a special day. It was Inkos birthday....... or at least it would have been. Izuku takes a knee at his mother grave. He takes the flowers in the pot out that are withered old and died out and replaces them with the new ones he brought.

Mitsuki: So, what do you think your mom would have wanted today Izuku.

Izuku just looked at the words on the grave reading.

"Inko Midoryia"

"A good friend and an even better mother"

Izuku: I think she would want to be here right now. So, we could all sing her happy birthday.

Mitsuki: I think she would love that.

Izuku than got up and started to walk away and make his way to the car. Mitsuki stayed there though and just stood at the grave.

Mitsuki: If you're up there Inko-

She than put her hand on the grave and brushed off the leaves that were on it.

Mitsuki: -I hope that I'm making you proud. Or that I'm doing something right by you.

Mitsuki than followed Izuku and went back to the car. They soon made their way home.

At the Bakugo's house.

Izuku was in the dining room at the table with Mitsuki. Ever since Izuku joined their family Izuku and Mitsuki developed a little tradition. They would celebrate her birthday by having some cake and just talking about her. Saying what they miss about her. Good memories they had. Izuku even got to learn a lot about his mom from Mitsuki's tales. They have known each other before high school and have been friends ever since so she always had plenty of stories about their misfits and trouble making in their younger years.

Izuku: Did you and mom really do that?

Mitsuki: *chuckle* well not really her. If anything, I was the one just dragging her along for the ride. I was usually the trouble maker and she was the one who tried and talk me out of it.

Izuku: ............ I miss her.

Mitsuki than just ruffled up his green messy hair.

Mitsuki: I know....... I do to.

When they were talking though somebody was watching them. It was Katsuki. Over the years Katsuki grew a jealousy over Izuku. Ever since he showed up he got all the attention. He was the helpless/ broken kid who lost his mom. He knew how harsh that was and never saids anything because of it. It still pissed him off though. Even when Izuku's "quirk" manifested his own mom was more excited about his quirk than even her own son's quirk.

Mitsuki: Its getting pretty late you should go to bed.

Izuku: Ok.

Katsuki quietly made his way back to his room so Izuku and Mitsuki couldn't spot him. When he was walking to his room though something caught his eye. It was Izuku just standing at his door. Izuku couldn't see him because of how dark it is and Katsuki was hiding in the dark but could see Izuku because of the moonlight through the window. Izuku walked quietly back into the halls of the house and looked over the corner. When he saw it was clear he made his way to the glass sliding door leading outside. Katsuki followed.

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