Chapter 2

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"No! Please help me..I don't want to be here in the dark!" Someone sobbed, waking me up. 'Oh a visitor?' I thought, watching my wings slowly rise up to my "shoulders" and floated in its proper place. Scanning the dark world for the new arrival, my eye sockets soon spotted a dark grey creature, lying on the ground crying.A wave of curiosity overcame me as I made my way up to them. The person had ears, two light-gray pupils, bat like wings and a patch of white fur around the area were a neck should normally/usually be. Both of their wings and head floated just like mine.

How? This can't be, can it? Can there be another being like me; although, they do appear to be different than me it still strikes me on how and why they are here. Why am I here with a second chance anyway? To many questions with little known reasons to explain the many why questions that struck me faster than ever. Scaring me slightly, 'what if I never find the answers. Will I just sit here questioning the why's and what if's?'

Thinking was doing little to nothing. And I'm sure the person has sense my presence.

I looked back down and looked into the eyes of them. They had grown silent, watching me with a confused but relieved to find out they weren't alone. "Sal-" "Oh my goodness, what in the blazes are you? Are you the grim reaper? Is this hell? Is my children alright?!" They interrupted, firing questions left to right as if it was a beaded necklaces at a parade. Their voice sounded feminine, and the fact they were worried about their children, made me assume it was a female. "Miss, calm down this isn't hell, this is the.." I trailed off, thinking up of a name for this black world, "this is the Unknown. I have no idea what has become of your children but they're probably perfectly fine. Now tell me what do you remember?" She said nothing for a few minutes. Her facial expressions changed from serious to scared, to sad in an never ending loop.

"I-I remember rows of people lying on beds, all sick. They were deadly ill.. so many died, with new people filling up their bed as quickly they could rid the body."

She quivered but continued, "I tried everything I could to cure them, but I couldn't. I soon grew ill myself. Oh I couldn't bear it,so I locked myself in my room hoping my children wouldn't catch what I have.." Tears began to run down her face; she held onto her wings making them look like some sort of a poncho on her. "Then t-there was darkness. Breathing got harder and harder. It hurt to cough, and I'd coughed out blood onto the floor. It hurt like I'd broken my lungs.."

She looked up at me, her light gray eyes trembling, "I woken up at midnight, the entire room was dark. And I couldn't breathe at all, the pain soon left I felt better. But everything was still black.." "hush, say no more." I told her, placing one of my wings on her 'shoulders'. "Do you remember your name at all?" "M-my youngest child used to call me were her first words." "Well Noinoi, there is no need to cry. You're safe here." I reassured her, "and my name is Inconnu. It's to nice finally have some company."

Noinoi's facial expression softened.  Wipping the tears that ran down her face; she stood up. "N-Nice to meet you as well Inconnu." Her voice still shaking from sobbing for who knows how long. This place, no, the Unknown now seems a bit less empty now. Perhaps another will come.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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