Fairy tales always have the hard times- Chapter 2

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He is going today. My dad that is. I can't believe this! Bye dad, bye and then when he is gone I can have parties, sex and shots. I know that I may sound like some party girl, I am actually a nerd. I love books, I am an honour student and the most hardcore thing I have done is sip some beer. But my friend Caggie has a boyfriend and they have already had sex, her first time was when she was 15 (I know she was under aged) but in all honesty this must be her 15th person. She is one of the popular ones because she holds parties with beer and her Mum is never around (she has never known her dad.) Her house is massive, 5 bedrooms (all with a double bed, for y' know) 8 bathrooms ( all with a shower, if you want to fool around) and 11 living rooms ( with very comfortabled sofas) and it's right on a beach ( if you want to go hollywood style.) So when you go to her parties your garenteed sex and alcohol. So she has many other friends and many parties to go to and she is really pretty, long blond wavy hair, dark brown eyes, skinny as paper and is a catch. While me on the other hand I have to be in my house by 9, I have a bit of a belly (I am only a size 10) my black hair isn't as stunning as hers and I can get really shy. The only thing i have better than Caggie is my boobs are massive, hers aren't that bad but she is a B and I am a D.

So I need my dad to go so I can finaly be let loose, be popular, show myself off and not be a virgin.

'Bye daddy. Going to miss you so much.'

'I am going to miss you to flossy. Now keep safe. Do I need to go over the ground rules again?'

'No dad, be home by 9 and lock the doors blah blah blah.' I smiled really innocently

'I mean it be safe. I'll be sending you 20,000 pounds a month for food, water, bills, our dog and then spend the rest wisely. One last hug for daddy.'

I hugged him goodbye and waved him off. OMG I am free and I need to get lots of supplies for the party I am holding on Friday night, lots and lots of supplies. But tomorrow was Monday, soo I still have school, but I can hardly hold in my excitment.


'Hy chick. How are you enjoying living by yourself?'

'It's amazing Cags. It is soo relaxing, house to myself, no-one to tell me what to do.'

'I love it as well.'

'Here Caggie, um... could you do something for me?'

'Well I have never done it with a girl before but sure.' she said smirking.

'Shutup Cags, I am going to hold a party on Friday and I could use your help?'

'Oh! When the cat has gone the mouse can play. Play with RJ by any chance?'

'No, when we play it'll be romantic and sweet.'

'No you want him drunk or angry so he'll bang you harder!'

'I want him to bang me harder cause he loves me.'

'Well whatever chick, I will tell Claire and Sophia and I'll help you out, kay.'

'Thanx babes. See you after school.'

'Bye chick.'

Ugh! Claire, totally in love with Riley. Keeps whispering in his ear and touching his arm. He has assured me that there is nothing going on. But she is a bitch. She sleeps around. She is the only one that doesn't get bulleyed about her ginger hair. It's long and bushy and perfect, just like her green eyes and perfectly shaped face and her bikini body, Screw her. I hope she can't come and she can't be best friends with Caggie and can't sleep with Riley. Kay. Got it. Good. Her and her black haired, blued eyed, model friend Sophia just play with boys then drop them. What sluts.

OMG! I have history! Yeah! Lets learn about people die! FUN! I hate history. The only good thing is RJ is sitting beside me. He is just perfect his brown spiked up hair (which doesn't look chavey) his green eyes and I love the way his hands are always colder than mine. He is cheeky but sweet as well. He is perfect.

'How is my little one?'

'She is feeling good. She has no dad for 3 months so you can stay over.'

'Oh can I'

'Well I would say sleepover but there won't be much sleeping.'

'Only if your sure your ready.'

'Of course i am.'

He leaned in closed and kissed me. His lips were cold and perfect.

'Oh sorry to interrupt but can you to please concentrate on William the 8th. Thank you and come after school to tell me how much you learnt please.' Mrs Bell said. She absolutely up herself. Me and Riley smirked at eachothe before going on to a long boring history lesson. 

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 07, 2012 ⏰

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