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Lol we got 600 reads Yaaaass bitch

Okie dokie let's rant about physical education.

So my pe teacher knows me personally and that's a lot of pressure

So today in pe we were going jumping jacks and I can't do jumping jacks I look like a fish out of water like lol

So I'm out of rhythm in jumping jacks like everyone's arms are up and mine are down

So he comes up to me, "Ange," ((not Angie which is my nickname)) "What's up? I'll make this whole class run a lap of you can't do push ups."

I was like wanting to cry because I felt to dumb so I just nodded my head

And tried doing jumping jacks like tf

Then we did curl ups and I CANT DO THOSE EITJER

I proably sound like this lazy ass whale

I promise I'm not.... maybe a little

But I did 18 yaaaaasss

*plays niggia we made it in the background*

Jk jk jk

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