Admitting Feelings

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Kirishima's POV~

It's been about two months since the night I decided to join the league. After Dabi, the stranger with purple skin, agreed to my condition he brought me back to the old bar that the league uses as HQ. I met the rest of the group, Toga, Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and All For One. Granted, I've only talked to All For One through the tv in the bar, but I still think it counts.

In about a week, class 1-A will be taking a field trip to the USJ. The league is going to ambush them. This will be the first time I'll be seeing any of my former class mates in months. Including Izuku.

The plan for me, is to basically show up, scare them a little bit with the fact that I'm a villain now, then grab Midoriya and haul ass to the warp gate.

Seems simple enough, let's keep our fingers crossed.

~~~~~Time Skip to the USJ trip~~~~

Izuku's POV~

Today was the day we go on our class field trip to the USJ!! I'm so excited, it's such a great training opportunity. I just wish Kirishima was going with us.

Kiri has been missing for two months. After the incident with Kacchan, he ran off and no ones heard from him since. Most of the pros have stopped looking, well the few that even tried in the first place. I haven't stopped though. I know he's out there, somewhere.

We all boarded the bus and were on our way. The ride was pretty uneventful, just some small talk among students. Once we arrived, we funneled off and into the USJ. Aizawa and 13 were explaining the exercises when a loud crash came from the other end of the building.

Dozens of people were appearing from a purple mist. Let me tell you, they did not look friendly in the slightest. Some of the kids thought it was part of the exercise, until Aizawa told them otherwise.

Now most students are shaking in fear, others putting on brave faces, and then there's Kacchan. He's screaming like an idiot that he'll kick their asses.

The purple mist dispersed and then reappeared in front of us. Out of the mist walked a blue haired man, with hands glued to various places, and a familiar red head. Kirishima was wear a deep red dress shirt, a black unbuttoned vest, a loose black tie, and black dress pants.

"Kirishima?" I asked. I was the first to recover from the shock of our lost class mate walking out of a warp gate with a villain. Kiri just smirked and waved.

"What the hell Kirishima? Where have you been the past two months?" Kacchan shouted at him.

"Like you give a shit Bakugou. You're the reason I left in the first place." He responded with an eye roll. This isn't the Kiri I know, this Kiri is much more sarcastic and arrogant.

"Kiri, What happened to you?" I asked him softly. He snapped his head to me, and his face softened. He slowly walked over to me, the rest of the class backing up as he got closer. I didn't move, I wasn't afraid of him.

"Oh Izu, you always were to innocent and ignorant. Nothing happened, I just finally realized that heroes are frauds, only in it for the fame and money. Then the league offered me a deal I couldn't refuse." He said, gently brush some of my hair away from my face. God I missed him, so much. I was unconsciously leaning into his touch.

"And what was the offer? What made you turn your back on everything and everyone?" I asked in a whisper. For a few seconds he didn't respond. I thought he might not have heard me, but after a few seconds he looked me in the eyes.


Then everything went black.

Kirishima's POV~

"You." I whispered to him. I then stuck the needle in his neck and he past out.

"What did you do to him?" Todoroki yelled, activating his ice. I never did like that guy, he was always to close to Izu for my liking.

"Calm down, I didn't hurt him. I just knocked him out. I could never hurt Izu." I said, holding the smaller boy in my arms.

"SHITTY HAIR! PUT DEKU DOWN!" Ah, I was wondering when he would chime in again.

"Kurigiri, I need a gate." I called over my shoulder, still holding onto Izu.

"On it." Came the reply. Two seconds later purple mist appeared in front of me. I turned around and smiled at my old class.

"You know guys, being the villain is way more fun." Then I walked back into the mist.

Izuku's POV~

I woke up laying in a bed. Not my bed. That's when panic set it. I remember the ambush and the mist... and Kiri. Kiri showed up, he's a villain now.

"Hey, I see you're finally awake." Kiri said from the doorway. I hadn't even noticed him open the door.

"Kiri... where am I?" I asked on the verge of tears.

"You're at the league HQ." He said simply. He hasn't looked up at me yet. He was gazing at his shoes, he looked guilty.

"K-Kiri, I'm scared..." I said as the tears finally started to flow. Hearing this, he snapped his head up.

"Izu, you have nothing to be scared of. No one here will hurt you, especially me." He said walking to me and wrapping his arms around me.

I hugged him back, still crying. "How do I know I can trust you. You're a villain now."

"Because I would never hurt you. Izuku... I- I love you." He said pulling away and looking me in the eyes. I was stunned into silence.

Obviously I love him, I spent two months searching for him. But, he's a villain now, and I still want to be a hero. I don't think this could ever work out. It would be completely selfish of me.

Maybe I want to be selfish.

"I love you to Kiri."

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