Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden Boypart6

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is going on in there? Are you having some sort of sumo wrestling match with the mop?" I asked, as I turned round.

Ari was bent over trying to get the mop out from the small cupboard without toppling anything that was stacked on the shelves above him. Then I found myself staring at his wet shirt as the powerful muscles in his back shifted underneath the fabric and how the denim of his jeans fit him just right ....

Oh my god, Isobel! You're checking out your best friend!

You cannot do that!

That is so totally not a best friend thing to do.

I just about jumped ten feet in the air when Ari replied "Uh how the hell do you ever get anything out of this cupboard? I'm gonna give it one big pull and try not to knock the shelf over" He said

I felt my face blush, the haze of heat spreading over my cheeks. I was irrationally scared that even though he was facing away he would just know what I'd been thinking about him.

And how stupid I'd look.

Urghhhh. Just turn around Isobel!

I quickly turned away and began scrubbing at the cabinets furiously as I heard Ari announce," I won! Ladies and Gentlemen, The mop has been removed from the cupboard!"

I carried on scrubbing at the cabinets, attacking the work surfaces with flash squirts and energetically rubbing them down with the yellow sponge.

I'd never felt this way about my best friend before...

I'd never thought about him like this....

No correction Isobel, You've never allowed yourself to think that way about him.

You've been to scared to let yourself.

I sighed, trying to ignore the sound of Ari filling up the bucket with soapy water and moping the floor, whistling to himself.

His whistling was pitch perfect.


I took out the flash and continued to squirt at the surface top , the fizzing white liquid contrasted with the dark granite surface before I wiped it away with the yellow sponge.

You need to STOP

-Squirt, squirt, wipe, wipe -

Thinking about him like

-Squirt, squirt, squirt, wipe, wipe -

He's MORE than a friend

-Squirt, squirt, squirt, squirt, wipe, wipe-

Because he's NOT.

-Squirt, squirt, squirt, wipe, wipe-

Then I felt the flash being removed from my hands.

"Whoa! Easy on the Flash!" Ari's voice rang out, bringing me out of my internal rant. He was leaning next to me, holding the flash and looking at me with amusement written all over his face.

"You trying to kill your kitchen Ella bear?" Ari asked one eyebrow raised and a slight smirk on his lips.

"Uh..." I glanced at the granite kitchen top in front of me, which was covered in fizzing white Flash.

" I guess I got carried away" I said

"You could say that again." Ari chuckled, crossing his tanned arms over his chest "Then again you've finished the kitchen cabinets in super speed"

I looked around the kitchen and realized I'd worked my way around the whole kitchen and only had the last two cabinet doors to finish. The floor was also completely clean.

Ari seemed to have wiped down the Island as well.

Everything looked back to normal except for the surface in front of me that was covered in fizzing white clouds of flash.

"Wow - every thing's done!" I said shocked.

I looked up at Ari to find him smiling down at me " Yeah, I guess you weren't the only one on a roll" and then he crushed me into a huge hug, wrapping his arms around me and I could feel the warmth of his body seeping into mine through our damp t-shirts.

I had so missed Ari's hugs.

The way I felt like I could just relax into him.

Is your best friend supposed to feel this good?

I could feel the hard planes of his six pack, his muscular arms wrapped tightly around my body and I breathed in his lemony smell surrounding me.

"You should really go get cleaned up Ella Bear." Ari whispered, chuckling whilst pulling a piece of spaghetti out of my hair.

I laughed, " for a second I thought that was a worm! But I guess I should" I said , making no move to leave.

" Come on I'll finish off the last bit - and you really need to get the mayo out of your hair before it dries"

I smiled, pulling away and instantaneously missing the heat of him. "You trying to say I don't look good covered in Mayo?" I asked looking up at Ari as he leant against the Granite worktop. His t-shirt was still see-through and I couldn't help but notice his defined abs and the indents of his six pack.....

"You look beautiful Ella Bear - mayo and all" Ari replied, his eyes running over my face for a second as his face broke into a truly Hollywood smile, his slight dimples appearing.

It was the kind of smile you see on the billboards.

You know; the ones that are designed to make you weak kneed.

The kind of smile that every girl wants to be given.

And I had Hollywood's most wanted actor looking down at me with his, only he's my best friend and it means nothing.

It's just a smile.

My stomach immediately dipped and I realized I needed to get out of there.

"Uh I'll just go to the bathroom" I said slowly, turning away from Ari as I speed walked out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs to my room, not looking at anything properly, not stopping till I got to my white tiled ensuite.

I leant back against the door of the bathroom and sighed shakily.

I could see Ari's smiling face in my mind. The feel of his body pressed against mine during the food fight, the fabric of our t-shirts clinging together. The intense burning in his eyes when he leant towards me. The feel of his strong arms wrapped around me when we hugged, his body heat merging with mine.

I took a deep breath in and out.

He's your best friend.

You have to stay immune.

You can't let yourself think about him this way.

I slowly peeled off my wet; food smeared clothes, putting them into the sink and turned on the shower. I stepped in and let the hot water beat down on my body as all my thoughts swirled in my head.

Was I ever really immune to Ari?


Hey, sorry it took so long to upload and if I missed any spelling/grammar mistakes.

I know this chap wasn't quite so eventful, but bear with me and there will be some interesting stuff instore.....

Isobel is really mixed up in this chapter... I promise soon I'll give an insight into how Ari's feeling.

I hope you guys enjoy. Smile024:D

Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden BoyWhere stories live. Discover now