The girl and the king.

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5 years ago was when king Robert Baratheon had picked up the young orphan thief off the road back to kingslanding and chosen to raise her as his own. He had many children, both legitimate and illegitimate but he'd only ever truly cared for one of his children, coincidentally the one he never bore.

When he saw the young girl he saw Lyanna Stark. He thought the girl to be the child he wished Lyanna would have birthed for him.

He fed her, clothed her like a noble lady (to Cersei's blatant disapproval) and soon she had been known as Kingslandings most beautiful lady and even surpassing the standards of Cersei's beauty.
The Queen despised the girl. She seethed when Robert had first brought her to them. She utterly hated the way the king had always looked at the "worthless peasant girl" with such adoration but lacked that affection to their own children and especially not towards Jeoffrey, his one true heir to the throne.

"Elena! Come faster!" Myrcella called as she ran into the gardens after spotting a hare hop past the rose bushes.

"I think it ran this way Myrcella!" Elena chimed as she hiked up her dress and ran after her.

The two girls laughed as they ran through the gardens.
That was until a tall shadow was casted over the girls and the blonde locks of Cersei Lannister came into view.

"Good evening, your grace." Elena curtsied respectfully, the smile drained from her face.
Cersei purposefully failed to acknowledge the girl and turned to her young daughter.

" I thought I heard you address my daughter by her name. It is 'your highness'." She said, venom lacing her tone as usual.

"Pardon me, your grace. My apologies, it won't happen again." She kept her head low.

"But mother, I asked her to! I don't want my friends addressing me formally." Myrcella interjected causing the Queen to look at her dismissively.

"Then I suggest you find other companions dear, the handmaidens would play with you if you'd ask."

"But I wanted Elena t—"

"The girl ( Cersei refused to acknowledge her name that was given by Robert personally) has other responsibilities in upholding her learnings in proper etiquette, clearly." She arched her brow looking down at Elena's soiled dress and shoes.

she tried to hide her muddy feet and bit down on her lip as the queen basically picked and judged her.
"I'll take my leave now, pardon me your grace and your highness." She said in a quiet drained voice before stepping away.

As she was aimlessly pacing though the halls a handmaiden had approached her.
"Lady Elena, the king wishes to see you." She said.
The younger girl nodded and left immediately.

As she approached the doors to the hall jeoffrey exits and immediately notices her. She curtsied and he smirks at the girl before leading himself towards her.

"Father's just told me news that I may be wedded soon, he is looking into my betrothal to the Stark girl." He gloats.

"Congratulations your highness. I am pleased to hear it."

"That's it? That's all you've got to say?" He scoffs and raised his brow expectedly.
Jeoffrey, although slightly younger than Elena had always toyed with her when he had a chance. He'd always make crude comments on her or stare at her lustfully during dinners making her uncomfortable.

"What is it that you'd like me to say, your highness?"

"That you detest it? After all, you've always wanted to become a Baratheon,  I could make you into one." He looked as her suggestively as his hands grazed the curves of her waist.

She pushed his hands away hastily (although she wished she could do more like take out her handy dagger).
" I'd think otherwise you highness, I have absolutely no interest in becoming as simple minded to consider that option." Her voice had a calm tone with an underlying aggression which Jeoffrey slightly snarled at.
"Now if you'd pardon me, his grace has requested for me." She said bluntly and stormed off.

When she opened the door, the smell of alcohol and humidity hit her immediately.
Once her whole body was inside she curtsied.
"You called for me your grace?"

The king welcomed the girl with a warm presence and gestured for her to sit by his table.
"Yes dear. So you must be aware already that I must ride for winterfell soon."
She nodded for him to continue.
"Well, I believe there is someone I'd like to introduce you to. I'm sure Ned Stark would be pleased to meet you it would mean a great deal to me. Come with us ."

"Your grace, I would be honoured." Elena almost stuttered when she heard the news.

"Good. Inform your handmaidens to prepare your things, we leave in four days time."

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