Waking up

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Randy's pov

"Randy?" I heard a soft angelic voice say.

"Ella!" I exclaimed, "You're awake!"

I ran to the bed and hugged her so tightl- "Ow!" She said

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy!" I said tearing up.

She laughed her beautiful laugh and I smiled.

"Where's Nick?" She asked.

"I don't know I'll text him." I said.

"Where are you?" I texted him

No reply.

I called him multiple times.

No answer.

I wonder where he is. Oh whatever.

"So what do you want to eat." I asked her.

"I have to get the doctor, so he can run the tests. DUH!" She said.

"Oh I'll get him!" I said.

"Nah I just press the button with the person on it and the doctor comes!" She said happily.

"See!" She said while pressure the wrong button. That button actually made the bed fold upwards slowly crushing her.


"Oh yeah..." I replied

I pressed it and she held her ribs in pain.

"It's this button actually," she said.

The doctor came running in almost immediately.

"Handy," I mumbled.

She giggled.

"Okay, so we are going to get you out of this room, perform the tests, then the surgery, and then rehab. And hopefully you'll be ready fight in less than a year!" The doctor said.

"But! That'll take too long! Are there any shortcuts! I need to fight!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry but this is all we can do," the doctor said.

She frowned and said, "well let's get this over with!"

"Do you want me to stay?" I asked.

"No, because I'll be getting my stuff done for the rest of the night you should just go home." She said sadly.

"Hey," I said, "cheer up kid! At least when you return, you can make the amazing return you've always wanted!" She smiled. "Bye girlie!" I screamed.

"Bye boo boo!" She laughed.

~~~~~~~~after the tests~~~~~~~~

Ella's pov

"Okay, you have a minor concussion, four broken ribs, a tiny fracture in the front of your skull, and your spine is a little out of place." The doctor said.

"Oh!" I replied, "that's it!"

"Yup!" The doctor said. "Now for your surgery, you will have your spine put back into place, your fracture filled in along with your ribs and you will be wearing a back brace during rehab."

"Wow." I said.

"Let's get started!" The doctor said.

A/n sorry I don't know anything about injuries or surgery lol

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