Nature at Night

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      Sprinting through the forest, chasing after fireflies. I reach my hands out and close them quickly. Did I catch one? I spread my fingers apart, just enough to see, and close them a second later. I did it! I can't help but grin happily.

     Suddenly I burst out laughing. What is tickling me? I'm giggling so much that my sides hurt. I give up, the firefly one this battle. I release it into the air, and it heads off to rejoin it's family. I've been crying tears of joy. I wipe them away before they can blur my vision.

     My breath catches when I take in my surroundings. It's absolutely stunning. The full moon lights up a field full of wild flowers. Every wild flower I've ever heard of, and a few I can't name. None of the plants have been trampled, and no light bulbs shine in the distance. It's almost like humanity forgot about this corner of the world. I feel like I'm the first person to ever see this place.

     Carefully, I make my way towards the center of the field. I don't want to harm any of the flowers. A warm summer breeze ruffles my hair, and the trees start to dance.

     I sit down on the ground, and close my eyes. I can almost pretend that I'm the only person in the universe. Some people might find it scary, to be so alone, but I find it peaceful.

     Wind blows through the forest again, I can hear the leaves shift and settle again. It's an almost musical sound. An owl hoots in the distance.

     I flop onto the ground, and stare up at the stars. I imagine that they're fireflies, that flew up into space. I tilt my head to one side when I notice a moving star. It isn't flying across the sky like a shooting star, and it isn't blinking like a plane.

      Before I can figure out what it is, it lands on my nose. I cross my eyes to stare at it, and chuckle slightly. “Hello little guy. Did you miss me?” The insect I caught earlier, is sitting on my nose. I'm not actually sure that it's the same one, but it would be something else if it was.

     Then I realize something, I just asked an insect if it missed me. I should probably be asleep by now. I'm not exactly sane when I'm tired. But the world is so beautiful at night, so how could I sleep?

      I puff out a breath, and the bug flies away. It flashes a few times, as if to say, “Goodbye.” I giggle to myself, content with the world.

      A shooting star makes it's way across the sky. It must be my lucky day. I close my eyes and say my wish out loud, “I wish to see this place again another night.”

     My eyes pop open, but they really want to close. Exhaustion is sweeping over me in a wave. Barely conscious, I drag myself home. I slip into to bed, and fall asleep instantly. My dreams are joyful, and they take place in my corner of the universe.

The Kianna TimesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora