Chapter 1. Sórdi

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Fate is a wicked thing. Is it a dream, or is it reality? is it the light that guides us, or is it the dark depths of hell? It gives us divine thoughts that disappear as quickly as they came.

Earth has changed for the worse. Physics has changed, people live forever and the crust is the thinnest its been for a long, long time. Hell was here to stay, and that wasn't the worst of it.  Demons exist.

It's amazing how quickly humans adjust, a man named Leshon took charge of the survivors and organised their first major event, an even that would go down in history as; The Great Fertilisation, the day that humanity came back from the dead!

Part 1: Sórdi's Perspective.

Hey there, umm, right, well I'm very nervous right now. The reason? It's the day. You know, the day we have sex. You're probably thinking "But isn't it normal to have sex", but you see, I'm still a virgin. And where I lived you had to be 18 to have sex. But that was before the day, the day that Earth and Hell swapped places... permanently. Oh but there is one thing to mention, well two but anyway's... I'm straight. As straight as telephone pole. No homo.

The other thing is... Oh wait. I haven't told you. The name's Sórdi, Hideki Sórdi and I'm 16. People say I'm tall for my age, but I think everyone was just unusually short.

My life was, relatively quiet, but that (just like everything else around here) changed when everything happened. Because of the threat of high radioactivity, we had to move country. We live in Japan now, an it's beautiful... Truly beautiful.

I flashed the TV on, so that I could see if there was anything significant happening in the world but there was nothing, so I rotated through the channels, one by one by one. One after another, until;

 "...but what is this?" I said, surprised by what i was watching and listening to.

"Hey, what's wrong?" said my older sister, Milena (23), whom shares my blond hair.

TV News Anchor: "You don't have to be straight, to have kids, we find out today as our saviour, Leader Leshon, is knees deep in researching a viable way for male-and-male relationships to bear fruit. This research should relieve the stress on the few women that have survived, and with men making up the 60% of survivors; this means that soon, everyone will be able to contribute to the reincarnation of the human race. Whether or not this research project will be complete by Fertility Day, is anyone's guess..." the TV trails off into the background.

"I can't believe it, soon we'll have tramps banging each other silly, creating more mouths to feed." My older brother, Tsubasa (20), I generally an homophobic, angry person, who couldn't care less what others thought of his opinions, and today, he seems angrier than usual.

"hey, calm down. They haven't found anything yet. So don't worry. There won't be any male only couples any time soon." I replied cooly.

"Hmmm" my sister my sister hummed suspiciously.

"I hope to god that guy fails his fucking experiment" my brother retorted. "we don't want the world to suffer like it did before"

The reason for my brother's Homophobia, is probably because our uncle had contracted the AIDS virus from a homosexual relationship, and died because of it. He loved him more than anyone else.

It was dark by eleven, dinnertime, my sister calls. I finished off my shower, dried myself and put on some shorts and a rather large PJ top, my favourite attire.

I quickly glance at my phone and to my surprise there was a message. It read; The probability of the research succeeding, based on the information we currently know, is at 97%. It is not a matter of if this will work, but when it is added to the Mandatory Sex Act of 2100AD (0AH [After Hell])

"He, my chances of picking up a girl is getting slimmer by the second..." I thought aloud.

The starry night sky provided the perfect mood to fall asleep. Collapsing on the bed, I imagine myself as a pizza, a pizza that fell on the floor, and that nobody wants.

Authors Notes:

Okay, I know it's not that good. It's the first time I've ever wrote a [fan]fic.

Beigo na alma. Don't forget to leave some constructive critisism. THX.

Translators notes:

I thought it was pretty good actually, it sounded pretty professional. Though I did change a few things in my translation. Most of it has to do with keeping it consistent. In the original Prologue you mentioned that all of the older adults had died, and that this was not long after hell broke loose. So in keeping with that I changed Mother > Older Sister, and Father > Older Brother. I did keep his characteristics and such the same as they are important in building the plot. I also changed things so that it; 1) flowed a bit better and 2) removed junk or "filler" information, keeping as much of it streamlined as possible.

Sorry for the long note, C'yall later! ...and thanks for reading this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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