The poem.

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Do you know what a kiss on the soul is?

No? I'll explain:

A kiss on the soul is not like a kiss on the face, in the mouth or any other part of the body.

The kiss on the soul is the one that enters the mind through words driven by the feeling LOVE.

It reaches the heart where it is engraved with a diamond tip.

It is a simple and simple kiss that sometimes goes unnoticed, but when it finds a broken heart,he becomes like a spring in the wilderness.

It's a pure kiss,genuine,without malice,nice,friendly, friend,cozy, that brings us peace.

It is as if the finger of God is touching your heart.

Kisses on the Soul ...thousands

for you!

A great week!

Source: (has been translated into English from Portuguese using google translate)

My tasty colleague - rough translationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang