FYI (For Your Information)!

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Good evening for my dearly readers all around the world (hehehe)

I have some information, maybe that's will dissapoint you (but just for a while)

and will exciting you (just for a while too)

so, this is the information,

Dear my readers,

FYI please,


"I can't post regularly because I am in a Peak Season.

So, Maybe I can post the next story when I find a time.

So please wait for me, but dont hope too much for this short period of time.

But don't worry, I never leave my story.

One thing that I can Guarantee is I'll be back and post regularly from the first weekend of May.

So, please wait and STAY in my story!

Oh yeah, btw i have some present for all of my beloved Readers.

" I have a new project!! "

'about First Love'





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