The farm

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"Mom you look gorgeous" Polly smiled at the woman standing in front of her dressed in a white wedding dress.

"She's right, it suits you perfectly" Evelyn added.

Betty just sat on the couch, looking at Alice, with concern all over her face.

"Betty? What do you think?" she smiled at her daughter.

"It's beautiful mom..."

"But?" Alice frowed her eyebrow.

"But... I'm a little worried about this baptism thing. It's says right here" she pointed at a piece of paper "that you could die. Why would you sign this form, mom?"

"Oh please Elizabeth, I signed one scarier when I joined a 24 hour fitness club." she rolled her eyes and moved to look at herself in the mirror.

"Alright, just promise you'll be careful." she begged and Alice smiled at her "I'm meeting Jug at Pop's" and she walked to the door "Bye mom"

"Goodbye sweetheart"

At Pop's

"I don't know Juggy, I have this feeling that something is wrong... I'm not sure how to explain it but I do thing my mom is in danger" she sadly signed.

"Come here" Jughead hugged her tight "It's going to be ok Betty"

"Promise" she asked.

"I promise" and he kissed her forehead.

Later that day

"Is everything alright boy?" FP asked when is son entered the trailer.

"Yes, why do you ask?" he replied.

"You're making a face" the older serpent pointed at his son "Yup, that's the face you make when you're worried about something, so spill it out"

"I- I'm just thinking about Betty and Mrs Coop- Smith, I mean."

"Is Alice ok?" FP blurted.

"No dad, I don't think she's ok. Not after everything that happened to her... and this farm... Betty thinks they brainwashed her somehow and now she's afraid her mom might die, in that weird cult baptism thing they're doing today." 

FP stepped foward and grabbed Jughead's shoulders "Where is she, boy?" he could see the fear in his father's eyes and wondered why...

At the farm

"Are you ready to be reborn?" Polly asked and a wicked smile crossed her lips.

"I am" Alice said and entered the bathtub in the middle of the room. All eyes were on her, waiting for it to happen when then the baptism began. Polly pushed her own mother against the bottom, crashing her back against the ceramic material, not leting her come out for air.

"NOOOOOO STOP" a man runned towards them. "GET OFF OF HER" he yelled as he pushed Polly aside and pulled Alice out of the water.

"Alice, please" a tear running down his cheek, while he performed CPR and mouth to mouth breathing "Come on, I can't loose you" more tears came flowding his eyes.

And that was when she coughed water out of her lungs. She was alive.

"Thank God" he hugged her tight, afraid if he didn't he would lose her forever.

Alice pulled herself out of the embrace "FP?" she looked at him straight in the eyes "Are you crying?" and she moved her hand to wipe his wet face. He gave her a little smile and holded her one more time.

At the hospital

"Mom, I'm so glad you're ok" Betty hugged her.

"You're very lucky Ms Smith" the doctor said "Any other second and you could have died, or suffered major brain damage for lack of oxygen. Anyway..." he paused looking at the patient who wasn't paying attention "We'll keep you here for the night, just to keep an eye on you and tomorrow morning you'll be discharged".

Alice couldn't bring herself to say anything. She wants to believe that the farm gave her a purpose and that she reborned to be a better person, but at the same time she can't stop thinking about what could have happened if FP hadn't appeared to pull her under water.

"Where's FP?" she finally openned her mouth.

"Ahm... he called me when you guys arrived at the hospital, he said you needed to be checked out  after your... mmm baptism... and then he left after I got here."

Alice's heart broke a little "Why did he saved me? Just so he could leave me here without a care in the world? Come on, Alice, why would he care?" she tought.

Betty could see the disappointment in her mother's face but she decided not to ask. Eventually, later, it would come up but for now she needs to rest.

Two weeks later and FP and Alice hadn't talked to eachother yet. They haven't even saw eachother after the drowning event. She did tried to call him a couple times but he didn't answer so she just continued with her life.

That is until, they crossed paths in the pasta aisle at the supermarket. Their hearts skipped a beat, not knowing what to say or do.

"Hi Alice" he nervously approached her.

"Oh, hi" she looked at him and smiled awkwardly. FP was about to turn around and leave, when she began "Ahm, FP?" he stared at her again "Can we talk? You know... about what happened I mean..."

He shaked his head "There's nothing to talk about Alice." he avoided her ocean eyes "I'm just glad you're ok" he really did want to get out of there.

"FP..." she reached her arm out to hold his hand in hers, but he quickly pulled away soon as they touched.

"Goodbye Alice"

Right that moment, she wasn't able to move, or even say something. Her heart sank to the ground, almost like the world had stopped, she felt the tears forming in the back of her eyes as she saw him leave.

Later that day

FP was lying in the hard couch, looking at the ceiling. Seemed like he wasn't doing much but truth to be told he was using all the power in every cell in his body to not start drinking again, after that encounter he had with the love of his life.

Suddenly, a loud noise in his trailer, that the entire Sunnyside probably heard. Someone just barged in.

"Alice?" he got up to meet her red puffy eyes "What are you doing here" he could tell she had been crying.

"Why FP? Just tell me why... please... because I ca-can't understand why? If you  hate me that much why would you save me? Wouldn't you be better off if I just had drowned?"

Now there were tears forming in his eyes "Hate you? Alice I don't hate you" he tried his best not to break down in front of her.

"Then WHY? Why did you ignored my calls and pushed me away?" she cried as she tried to speak again "I-I was so scared when you le-left me alone, at the hospital" she wiped her face "Why would you leave me there? WHY FP?"

"Why? Because I LOVE YOU and YOU died in my arms Alice! YOU FREAKING DIED IN MY ARMS! And I'm scared to move! To breathe! To touch you! Afraid if I do you'll no longer be there! YOU were scared??? No, I WAS SCARED! You scared the crap out of me" tears falling both their faces. He calmed himself a little bit before continuing "I can't stand the idea of loosing you, Al. I'm in love with someone who couldn't care less about her own life and that is destroying me. I love you. Oh lord, I love you so much Alice... but I can't... you broke my heart the moment you decided the farm was more important then me. You choose them. YOU left me!" he was now crying really hard.

For a moment Alice only stared at him, then in two steps she joined her body with his and kissed him, ever so passionatly. He kissed her back, almost instantly, holding her tight. As the kiss grew deeper, she oppened her mouth to let him in and he got the hint. Their tongues were dancing with each other and next thing they knew, her back was crashed against the door of his trailer, both involved in a heavy make-out session. Her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to dear life and his hands holding her in place. They're hunger for eachother only grew bigger as they ripped eachothers clothes off. 

If FP thought people had heard the loud bang of his front door when she first came in, then they definitely heard all the moaning coming from his trailer.

Another request! Hope you guys like this!

Love, Winter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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