S2 - Something Unexpected - pt.1

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The camp hadn't changed since he had last been here, except now that he had Octavia back, he didn't feel as afraid of being surrounded by so many people he had grown to despise on the Ark.

One of the guards walked up and yanked the hand-gun from Bellamy's loose grip; accepting that there was bitterness at the fact that they had come back empty-handed. Many parents of the 48 would definitely be angered by the knowledge that they had failed, though Bellamy was still holding out the hope that Finn would use his newfound crazed-determination to find them, or at the very least Clarke.

However, something about letting Finn go off in the state he was in, was gnawing away at Bellamy's insides. He didn't want to have to regret his choice in the future. Though something told him he would.

For now, they needed rest so he stepped forward, leading the group inside the walls. His legs and arms ached from the fatigue of a straight day and a half walk but pushed it aside before he lifted a hand in a peaceful gesture at the scowling guard, to back off.

Abby strode up to them with worry as she looked at them from head to toe. From the blood and cuts decorating Mel's face, Bellamy saw her switch from concerned mother to professional doctor and Chancellor in the bat of an eyelid. He was impressed, but still wasn't about to accept the rules now forced onto those who were first on the ground. Least of all the disregard Kane and Abby seemed to harbour at Bellamy and Clarke's fairly successful leadership.

She had sent her daughter to the ground to die, of course. What kind of a mother does that?

"I know you," Abby spoke, examining Mel's face. "Factory Station."

Bellamy worriedly glanced at Mel, whose face was covered in blood yet it remained emotionless.

"Where are the others?"

"There were no others," Mel spoke up from beside Bellamy. He let his hand fall to his side, feeling shame at her words. This may have been their only chance to find the others themselves. Now they'd never be allowed to leave Camp once Kane returned. Or at least he, himself wouldn't without supervision. 

Abby's face fell but she composed herself turning to Bellamy for an explanation.

"We found her a day from here. No survivors, lots of supplies," he replied gruffly.

Abby nodded before turning to Jackson. "Get her to Medical."

Bellamy watched as Mel and Jackson began to walk towards the towering metal structure of the Ark Station and motioned for Monroe to follow them, supported now by Abby.

Suddenly, Bellamy looked at the ground in thought. He had noticed there was something off about Abby. How the darkness and guilt plaguing her had left her eyes and she hadn't once asked about Clarke's whereabouts since they'd arrived. Though, as quickly as the thought came, it was gone; replaced by loneliness at not being surrounded by his people. His eyes returned to the ground.

Octavia stayed silently by his side as they both stood defeated by fatigue and disappointment.


Clarke's breathing stopped, her eyes widening in equal surprise and joy as she watched Bellamy Blake, himself, walk through the gates followed closely by Octavia and a few others she recognised.

Raven watched Clarke's face morph into a kind of silent happiness that she hadn't ever seen before. Normally Clarke was serious and stubborn at times, but never elated. Life and the pressures of leadership had forced the suppression of those feelings but now Raven smiled at the purity and genuine relief Clarke was feeling at seeing the curly-haired boy she knew so well.

Missing You Every Step Of The Way (Bellarke)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang