“You can’t” he said.

“Oh, puh-leeze!” the girl exclaimed, rolling her eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re worrying about my

safety? We’ve been through some tough spots before and we perfectly made it out. And besides,

who would tend to your wound?”

“Seohyun” the pest sighed warily.

“Jiyong, come on. I’m bored to death! I don’t have new assignments, it’s kinda frustrating. Let

me come. You know I can help”

Okay, I don’t understand the whole thing but only one thing’s clear to me: the girl wants to come

with us. And it doesn’t have to take a genius to know why. So much for being a territorial


“Suit yourself” the pest then said. I gaped at him. “We’’ll take breakfast first before going” he

turned to me.

“I’m not hungry” I snapped and stomped off back to the room I’m occupying.

“What was that? A voice behind me said. I turned around and saw the pest in the doorframe.

“I don’t like her” I said matter-of-factly.

“So?” he raised his brows.

“So, we can’t bring her along”

“She can help. And I trust her”

“Help in what way?” I asked. When he didn’t answer, I grew more irritated. “Huh! Just as I

thought. You just want to bring her along for your own personal purposes. I wonder what your

girlfriend, FAIRLEGS would say about hat?”

He sighed. “Seohyun is fairlegs and I’m bringing her along not because of PERSONAL


I stared at him blankly.

“She’s fairlegs? But. . . but you said fairlegs is your girlfriend and-,”

“I didn’t say anything about her being my girlfriend. You just assumed she was”

“You could have at least corrected me!”

The pest shrugged. “I had fun watching your reactions”

“My eyes turned into tiny slits. “Why you. . . you arrogant pest! And what are you talking about

my SUPPOSED reactions? FYI, I don’t give a damn if you have a girlfriend, you know!”

“Oh, really?” he smirked. “As far as I can remember, you were quite disappointed when you

assumed I’ve got a girlfriend”

“I was disappointed with the girl for liking someone like you! Nothing else!” I heated.

“If you say so” he shrugged.

“I’m telling the truth!” I said.

“Being defensive, huh?”

“I am not defensive! I’m just. . . .” I stopped as he started walking towards me

“Just what?” he asked, his voice turning low and husky.

“Just stating a fact” I said then started stepping backwards. “Ya! What are you doing?” I burst

out as he continued advancing on me. My eyes widen as I saw the spark of playfulness in his

eyes and his trademark devil smile.

“Kyaa!” I squealed and ran to the bathroom and closed the door as quickly as I can and locked it.

“Don’t go near me!” I shouted through the door.

Later. . .

I am so in a BAD MOOD, really! Totally pissed like hell! We’re currently driving our way

towards our destination, which up to this point is still a mystery to me. I already asked the pest

where are we going but he just said it’s somewhere safe. I glared at the two people in front. The

pest was driving while Seohyun was in the passenger seat. As for me? I’m all alone in the

backseat, totally ignored since the girl obviously kept the pest busty with all her talks and


I didn’t really have a choice on where to sit since we’re using the girl’s car right now. The car we

previously used was damaged, so it’s too risky and dangerous, not to say unpractical to use. I

angrily crossed my arms across my chest, pouting childishly and glared outside the window.

“Maybe you should let me drive?” the girl said for the nth time. “You should be resting your

shoulder, you know”

I rolled my eyes and controlled the disgusted twitch of my lips. I heard a light chuckle but I don’t

have to look to know who it was. It was the pest of course. I glanced outside the window again.

He’s totally enjoying the girl’s attention.

“I told you, I’m fine” the pest said.

“You should not strain yourself too much” the girl quietly said, almost crooning. I feigned a

vomit. I glanced up as I heard the pest’s loud laughter. I saw that he was also looking at me

through the rearview mirror.

“You found what I said funny?” I hear the girl asked in disbelief.

“No, it’s not that. Dara’s being funny” the pest answered, still looking at me. I stuck my tongue

out then glanced outside again.

“Oh” Seohyun mumbled. “Of course”

I faked a loud yawn as Seohyun started talking again. Jeez. I’m so sick and tired of hearing her


“I’m bored” I said. “Turn the player on. Music is more soothing and pleasing in the ears unlike

some endless blah blah blah”

“At least my rants don’t do harm to others” she snorted. I felt myself paled.

“Seohyun, it wasn’t her fault” the pest quietly said.

“Oh, puh-leeze! Stop being so kind to her, Jiyong. She doesn’t deserve it. I bet she doesn’t even

give a damn that your grandparents and Mr. Shim and Mr. Na died because of her. And I’m

pretty sure if the time comes, she’d rather save herself than think of others”

How did she know about Mr. Shim and Nah’s deaths? Oh, of course, the pest old her. I accept

that Grandma and Grandpa’s deaths were my fault but Mr. Shim and Nah?

“What are you talking about? What am I to do with Mr. Shim and Nah’s deaths?”

I heard the pest sighed heavily the same time the girl laughed sarcastically.

“Seohyun, that’s enough”

STUBBORN HEARTS<3 (complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon