Salad x reader prt.5

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When you woke up, Salad was.. cuddling you? He.. somehow..looked..cute! You don't know how but cute! You softly shook his shoulder to wake him up. Soon he woke up and then blushed realizing that he slept with you. You calmed him down with an offer to make Ruby tea for him. He accepted and with that you went to the kitchen to make Ruby tea.while you waited for the Ruby tea to finish up you noticed that there were photos of people. Specifically people in the military. When the Ruby tea was done you set the tea on the concrete floor and patted the floor for a gesture for him to come down from the bed. He came down and sipped slowly. You're guessing to savior the flavor. Then you sipped yours in the same way. Then you decided to go out and get some fresh air. And salad did the same. Somehow you were scared to be in love with this guy, but you still love him at the same time. We visited auntie bambridge and salad got a rusty spoon from her and we headed back home. Then we saw someone in the distance. They were soldiers!

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