New York

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Steve and I arrived in New York as soon as we could and rushed to the tower. I burst through the doors into the living room, instantly running into Thor. 

"Mrs. Rogers!" Thor turned around and hugged me. "You came!"

"Well, yeah..." I gasped. "Thor...I can't...breathe..." 

Thor let me down and backed up a bit. "Sorry."

"Anyways." I caught my breath and sighed. "We came back because if we hadn't, you guys would have no doubt come and gotten us anyways."

"Yeah, sorry about that." Bruce walked over. 

I looked around Thor and was able to see that everyone was there. Nat, Clint, Tony, Bruce and Thor. 

Steve followed me in, and we dropped our luggage on the ground. 

"Alright, what have you guys got?" I asked, walking over to a hologram they had in the lab. It was a map.

Nat pointed to it. "Sokovia is here. And we believe the scepter is there."

"But we need you to track down it's exact location, since you have a history of finding things that are hard to find." Clint added.

Tony nodded. "Do you need anything to do this?"

I shook my head. "Nope." I looked at the map and studied it for a few minutes, then nodded. "I know exactly where it is."

"How?" Tony asked. "You can't possibly know by staring at the map for two seconds."

I laughed. "Actually, that's not it. Steve?"

He stood beside me and cleared his throat. "She flew to Sokovia while I came back. She's a fast flyer." 

I smiled proudly and flaunted my wings a bit. "I found the exact location, and with this camera, I got a picture. Jarvis, would you pull it up?"

A hologram of a huge compound was shown in place of the map. It was definitely old, and occupied. 

"I wasn't able to get close enough without anyone spotting me. But I do know there's a lot of military activity. HYDRA most likely." 

"Then let's get going." Thor said, holding Mjolnir.

I nodded in agreement.

Steve looked at everyone. "Suit up!"

Mrs. Captain America (A Steve Rogers love story)Where stories live. Discover now