Shigaraki always got sleepy during movies, he snuggled into Dabi's side and fell asleep half way through the movie. Dabi glanced back to Toga every so often in between the movie, still not trusting her, but most of the time he was just watching Shigaraki. He knew the movie off by heart now thanks to Toga and could probably quote it word for word, he was only glad when it got to the final scene.

Toga was watching it very intently and was basically lip-sinking it. Once the movie ended she got up. "Hehe...I'll be back~" she purred leaving the base quickly. Shigaraki was fast asleep.

Dabi glared at her as she left 'please god tell me she doesn't have an axe' he glanced down to Shigaraki, smirking a little as he whispered into his ear "Hey...the movies over?" Shigaraki slowly woke up, "What...?" He muttered sitting up with a yawn.

Dabi smiled a little, "The movies over and I think Toga is about to murder us all~" he said, a little louder now but still in his usual monotone voice. Shigaraki shrugged slightly "Eh...who knows with her?" He muttered.

Toga then came into the room holding an axe. She giggled "Dabiiii~" she purred. Dabu quickly raced of the couch, climbing over the back "I fucking told you!" He stalled hiding behind the couch "Don't you dare Toga!"

Toga laughed raising the axe. She ran at Dabi swinging it at him. Shigaraki got off the couch and took the glove off reaching forward and grabbing the axe decaying it.

Dabi was sat on the floor, about to have been hurt, or worse killed, if it wasn't for Shigaraki "Ohthankfuck" he lay down on the floor, catching his breathe back. Shigaraki huffed putting the glove back. "I'll decay you next Himiko." he warned her. Toga huffed and frowned "You guys are no fun!" She pouted and stormed off. Dabi just looked between the two as he finally stood up "bitch..." he mumbled under his breathe as he dusted his clothes of, slumping back into the couch. 

Shigaraki stretched slightly and grumbled, his stomach growling slightly but he just ignored it. Dabi heard the growling as he stood up and got the box of sushi and handed it to him. "I don't want it." He grumbled pushing it away. "Your stomach and I both agree otherwise." He handed it to him again, sitting at the edge of the couch. He sighed "Fine..." he muttered and sat down his knees to his chest as he slowly ate.

 Dabi smiled happily as he got himself a bottle of water from the fridge, "What time is it?" Shigaraki shrugged "Hell if I know." He muttered. "Wow, helpful much" He slumped back into the corner of the couch, leaning his head back into the corner of the couch, leaning his head back as he messed about with the fire. Shigaraki crossed his legs as he ate 2 more of the sushi things but left the last one setting it aside.

Dabi smiled as he flicked Shigaraki's ear. "I'm bored." he stated, carrying on flicking his ear. Shigaraki growled moving away from him "Stop it." he hissed. "Ughhhh" he sighed as he stretched a little, his back popping. "I heard that there is a fireword show tonight by the cliff side?"

"Your point being...?" He looked at him with a confused look. "It's too cold for that." He muttered. "Why don't we go? I'll be an oven?" He offered aas he balanced a pencil on his lip. "Not happening" He huffed. "Why not." He sighed dropping the pencil. "Cause it's cold as hell and I'm not going outside just to see some fireworks."

"Alright I'll rephrase this. Do you wanna go see coloured gunpowder exploding in the sky while being warm?" He asked. Shigaraki grumbled. "Still not happening."

"Go on then what are we gonna do tonight cos I'm not sitting here just balancing pencils on myself." He huffed. "Anything but that." He muttered. Dabi just sighed, "C'mon at least try to come up with somin cos I'm not putting up with you huffing in the corner all night."

"There's not much to do around here anyway." He huffed.

"There are fireworks?" He smirked.

Shigaraki groaned, "I already said no to that!" 

A Cold Winter - ShigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now