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"Alright, I'll tell you " he says and looks me square in the eyes. Analyzing my expression even though,three quarter of my face is concealed under the bandages.

For a moment I thought I saw him stuck in juxtaposition: tell me or not?

Impatiently and intolerably I waited for him to tell me. Almost a minute passed but he never told me. Enduring curiosity and impatience when you cant call for an answer not to mention the impeding pain ,both physical and mental,puts me so on edge.

The notebook resting on my lap grabbed my vision causing the right arm to lift and write,


before I loose the last bit of tranquility left in me.

"Vanessa you are a doctor, you clearly do know that it's not a smart thing to tell you anything now, you just woke up " he tells me after I show them what I wrote , an apologetic expression prominent on his face. I clearly do understand him,but I can't help it.

Something terrible has happened, it's the obvious or else Eric wouldn't be so hesitant. To know that this something terrible has happened to Harry, my baby, the one that teases me everytime I wave at a plane, the one who I wake up next to,each and everyday only to see him cuddled up with the pillow or me like a little boy,the one that is strong and built up ,but is scared of dogs, the one that stole my heart permanently. Harry has become a part of me; a great big part of me. It kills me to know the truth,all I wish is,that this was just a nightmare, a nightmare that I can soon wake up from.

"When Harry was knocked by the car and was thrown away, he landed on the hard road,head first." Eric tells me since he knows that i wont let it go until he tells me.

When i was in Medical school i studied a bit about neurology, i am aware of the possibilities ,but there's hope left in me.

"So abnormalities that can cause coma include injury or damage to the brain that leads to swelling in the brain, which results in an increased intracranial pressure. Increased pressure, whether it is localized in one particular spot or spread over the whole brain, decreases the flow of blood and can lead to unconsciousness." he ends his rant to take a breath.

Mom looks flustered but I in the otherhand clearly do understand what he means,but is hesitant to admit it myself until Eric spits it out.

"He's in a coma"

My heart flutters in my chest.Tears about to fall while shivers run down my spine. Now I regret forcing him into telling me.

And like that, more questions adds to the ton loitering at the back of my mind. The most outstanding question was how long he'll stay in coma. I cant live a day without him and if I ever knew, I would have tried harder and convinced him to go inside on the day of explosion or I'd have jumped into the car pushing Harry away. Or atleast go in with Harry to the cashier.

To have regrets wouldn't be wise, courage and patience is what's required. It's funny how the both of us got hurt like this. How I lost my identity and how much pain I have to go through to get it back, how much I have to wait,how long Harry and I will be parted.

A sudden realization stabbed me harder on all my severely cut transparent bruises: a facial reconstruction surgery takes atleast 1 year. How long will I be able to hide my distorted face which is yet to be seen myself? What will Harry's response be?  Will the surgery be successful? Will there be side effects to Harry's head injury other than the coma later? How long will he stay in coma?  Just like that, all the questions suppressed awhile ago came rushing down to my head.The uncertainty spread over the expansion of my body.

Now I long to wake up from this nightmare more than anything,if at all it was one.

"Vani?" my mom snaps me out of my thoughts. Worried looks plastered on all four faces.

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