10. The battle for Narnia

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Clara and the others was now sailed to the Dark Island.

"You gave up your sword" Caspian said, Clara and the others looked at them confused, then they remembered that Edmund left his sword on the table just as Simon did "It was not mine to keep" Edmund answered "Use this" Caspian gave him the sword, he was holding, it was Peter's sword Rhindon "But it is-" Edmund said, but Caspian cut him off "Peter would like you to have it" he said "Here it is, my friend. The battle awaits" Caspian said as he gave Edmund the sword. Caspian looked at Simon "What about you Simon? You left yours too" Caspian said but Simon cut him off "Clara already gave me one, and I think that my father wouldn't mind if I gave up my sword to save Narnia" Simon said and left.


"So now is not the time to fall in fears and temptations. Be Strong!" Caspian told all his people, they were ready to face whatever was in there "Never give in. Our world, our Narnian lives depend on it. Think of lost souls we are here to save. Think of Aslan. Think of Narnia" Caspian finished, "Listen friends, we have one short of this, therefore we can't let ourselves down, if we do that, we let each other down, and then we will failed, and the darkness win, and if we lose, there will be any Narnia left, the peace will be destroyed, Narnia will be destroyed, and as warriors of Narnia, is our job to stop this, so as long as we survive, hope survive" Clara said. "FOR NARNIA" Caspian screamed "FOR NARNIA" everyone screamed as they started to move again. It was dark and scary. No one knew what was going on. And as Coriakin said, they were facing their worst fears.

"You're a great disappointment to me. You call yourself my son?" Caspian heard his father's voice, he looked around, scared "And act like a king."

"Hello Clara" a voice said, and Clara turned around to see a man in black clothes, it was her father "How dare you brings the peace between the Narnians and the dragon, the dragons are our enemies" the father said and Clara looked at him "Take our knife and cut that Night Fury's throat over and the people will see you as a queen" the father said "No, I know the truth, you are not my real father, I don't care what you think of me, I am doing what I think is best for Narnia, and I know what to do" Clara said "Then you also know that you have to put your own life at risk, for them to win" the father said, "Go away" Clara said.

"I am not afraid of you" Simon said, looking at a tall man in black. "I know, but you are afraid of something, you are afraid to disappear, you are afraid to lose anyone you care about, you are afraid to lose anyone you love, you are afraid to lose Clara" the man in black said "Stop it" Simon said.

"Keep away!" someone screamed, causing all of them to look scared, "Keep away!"

"Who's there?" Caspian asked, "Keep away?" a man said on a small rock "You will not defeat me"

"Lord Rhoop" Caspian mumbled, then he ordered everyone to get the lord on board. But then Eustace came flying, grabbed the lord and put him on the ship before he flew away "We're not here to hurt you" Lucy whispered trying to calm him down. "I am your king" Caspian said. "Caspian. My Lord. You should not have come. There is no way out of here. Quickly turn this ship around, before it is too late" Lord Rhoop panicked and tried to move the ship "We have the sword" Edmund said, and everyone nodded. 

"Let's go! Let's turn this ship around" Caspian said, quickly walking to Drinian, but stopped when Rhoop said "Do not think. Do not let it know your fears, or it will become them!"

"Oh no." Edmund whispered, causing everyone to look at him. "Edmund" Lucy panicked, looking at him "What did you just think of?"

"I'm sorry" he mumbled, and soon some creature came out of the sea. "What is that?" Lucy screamed, looking up. "It's too late!" Caspian screamed, the crew started to panic and run around trying to attack the creature. The creature attack the crew but then Eustace came flying and attack the creature, "EUSTACE" Lucy yelled.

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