Chapter 1

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"who is that girl, she looks so abnormal and not from around here" silently wisped a group of girls sitting at the back of the classroom,"WEIRDO!!" a boy in the class shouted as i sat down in front of his desk. Oh before i forgot to tell you a bit about me.

Hello my name is Aminah Ooman Gondomire i have no idea why my mother and father called me that name i get teased alot but i dont care. Im 13 and i lived in France for 10yrs. Ok back to my story.

As i sat down in my chair near the teacher she called out the role when  Mrs Dynes asked the teachers pet Cecily to show me around and all the little details needed for a fresh start for my new life in London.

She was one of those neat and bossy girls but the teacher didnt care cause she was her favorite but evveryone else hated her cause of how much she sucked up to Mrs Dynes.

"Hello Aminah, its nice to meet you" Cecily said as polietly as she could while Mrs Dynes was watching "h..hello" i wispered back to her while i gazed at my brand new shiny black lace up shoes. "I guess your my new friend for a while, well until you get the hang of your new school" "thanks, i cant help but see that you are being forced into doing good deeds for your teacher, why dont you ever just say no you know that you dont have to look after me i'll find my way around?" I replied angrly "it is fine i dont mind. Besides i like showing people around i find it way more entertaining then being bullied".

Once Cecily said those words i didnt look at her in the same way ever again and we became friends shortly after, since then we have stuck together like glue always with eachother keeping a watchful eye out to keep bullies away.

Two weeks later

I waited at the front of our Pcg room, the second bell rung so i had to go into class. I am really worried about Cecily

Im that girl with the guitar.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن