New Bighit group?

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Koreaboo's reaction to the new Bighit group

Koreaboo's reaction to the new Bighit group

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Bighit is debuting a new boy group! But rumors were heard that it was going to have a girl in the group. Do you think this is considered to be a boy group still?

Allkpop's article on Aurora the rumored member of the new Bighit group

The rumored girl member is a trainee that is said to be the weapon to capture a guy's heart. It is what is described by those who are closest to her. Bang Hyun Sik has also confirmed the debut of the new Boy group and that it has a girl member.

Bang Hyun Sik: 'Yes Bighit is currently getting ready for the debut of the group. Rumors of the girl in a new group is true. Although Bighit is strictly for guy trainees, i think this girl has really captured my attention with her visuals.(not trying to make Bang PD sound like a creep challenge: failed)

What do you think of a girl being in this guy group?

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