Chapter 28: Bitter Desperation

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Chapter 28: Bitter Desperation

In the depths of the Red Keep's dungeons Cersei walked with Qyburn at her side. Behind them Gregor Clegane loomed silently, swiftly opening the door Cersei pointed to once they came to a stop.

Before stepping through the threshold Cersei sighed in disappointment. "Could no one stop her?"

"It's doubtful, your grace," Qyburn said apologetically.

Stepping inside Cersei looked to the corpse of Olenna Tyrell, the bottom half of her face soaked in blood that poured from her mouth, her face blue and bloated from choking on the chunk of her tongue she bit through. Across from her was the puffed and purple Willas Tyrell with blood, bile and tears streaking his face.

Looking back to Olenna, Cersei sneered. "Spiteful old cunt. Did she at least see it?"

Qyburn stepped past Cersei to examine Olenna's corpse briefly, checking her eyes and the rigidity of her skin. He then did the same to Willas. "Difficult to say, your grace. If we assume the poison worked for him as expected, then I'd say she expired shortly after him, or at least near the same moment."

"Good," Cersei nodded. Turning to Gregor she wore a smile. "You did well making her confirm her part in Joffrey's death, Ser Gregor."

The knight remained silent, backing away as they departed the room. Moments later he opened another door where they stepped inside and found Ellaria Sand staring vacantly at the floor, gaunt and sallow. Across from her was the pale corpse of her daughter. Blood soaked her face, having poured from every orifice, her body twisted slightly as she'd surely writhed in pain and fear before finally succumbing to the poison.

Cersei ignored Ellaria, who stayed still as they entered, making her way to the corpse hanging from the chains. "You think she'd be of use?"

Qyburn nodded. "It will be a challenge, but I believe it's possible, your grace. Given the support you've shown, I believe I can."

Stepping back, Cersei motioned to Gregor. "Take her down."

Ellaria finally shifted, looking up to watch them remove the cuffs from her daughter's corpse, her body falling limply into Gregor's arms. A whimper left her, making Cersei turn to her with a delighted smile.

"Where are my manners?" Cersei's eyes bore into Ellaria with glee as she said, "Ser Gregor, let Ellaria kiss her daughter farewell."

Ellaria shot Cersei a glare as Gregor's hand grabbed Tyene's hair, lifting her face and putting it in front of Ellaria.

When Ellaria only glared at Cersei, the queen's smile shifted to a sneer, her eyes darkening. "Kiss her farewell, or watch Ser Gregor rip her apart from the inside out. After he takes her as he pleases."

Ellaria's anger turned to disgust and horror as she looked from Cersei to the helmeted face of Gregor Clegane. Holding her breath he pressed her gagged mouth against her daughter's cheek, feeling the streak of dried blood against her chapped lips. Part of her wished it held the poison, that it would claim her as well.

Cersei waved a hand to Gregor and made her way to the threshold before stopping to look back at Ellaria. "I considered giving you to Qyburn, but I thought better of it. Instead, you'll find the next time I step through this door I do so with a gift."

Ellaria stared in confusion at Cersei's sly grin before the queen left the cell, leaving Ellaria to sob into her gag.


"Gendry?" Davos asked as he made his way through the courtyard and found the smith working over breastplates. When the young man looked up from his work and smiled, Davos laughed. "I thought you might still be rowing. How'd you end up at Winterfell?"

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