Chapter 13: Battle of the Bastards

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Chapter 13: Battle of the Bastards

The sun hadn't even risen when the men began to stir, preparing for the battle to come. Jon woke and glanced at the blue ribbon tied around his wrist before gathering his things. Unlike some of the lords he didn't have help putting on his armor. Instead, dressing felt like a ritual as he took his time making sure everything was in place and secure. Wyman Manderly had commissioned some extra armor for him, so it took a bit longer than it usually did.

Sansa had her own preparations. She choose a Stark gray dress, one she could ride in comfortably. While in White Harbor she'd procured a haubrek with steel ringlets ending near her elbows which she wore beneath a steel gorget and sleeveless white jack of plate not unlike Jon's longer coat. Brienne had secured her a sword and dagger held on a belt around her waist. She carefully plaited her hair, finding secret joy in tying it with an azure ribbon. While Jon wouldn't be wearing the cloak she'd made him, she secured her own ermine cloak as she left her tent.

Her fireguard were preparing their horses when she arrived. Any concern Brienne had gave way to a proud smile at the sight of Sansa looking every bit a lady even in armor with a sword on her waist. The other fireguards had stuck with lighter leather and hide armor like most of the free folk, leaving Brienne and Podrick the only ones in plate and steel.

"My lady," Brienne said bowing her head with Podrick.

"Ha! You look like a proper spearwive," Laul said with a grin.

"It's for the best," Rila chuckled. "You'll be fighting men off once they see you like this."

Sansa curtsied to Brienne and Podrick before looking to the others. "Thank you. I'll take those as compliments."

"That's be the proper way to take 'em," Rila said with a laugh. "Sure you're fine with the sword and dagger? I could steal a spear from one of these kneelers."

"I shouldn't need it," Sansa said shaking her head. "If everything goes right we'll be far from the battle."

"Things rarely go right," said Laul, "especially in war."

Sansa noticed Jon's horse being lead toward them, easily spotted by the round shield painted gray with a white wolf attached to the saddle. The young man guiding the destrier had come to them with House Dustin, a bastard named Willam rumor said was Barbrey's. He was only a few years younger than Jon, but clearly looked up to him, having become his unofficial squire.

It was barely a moment later that she noticed men separating, going quiet to watch Jon stride past them with Ghost trailing behind him, their heads turning to follow him.

Beside his usual attire topped by his coat of plates and gorget, he now had spaulders and vambraces engraved with stark direwolves. The tabard Sansa embroidered went over his coat of plates, secured by his sword belt while a sallet helmet hang from his left hand with the visor raised.

"Thank you, Willam," he said pulling on and securing his helmet before taking the reins and mounting his destrier. Turning to Sansa he looked her over, surprised by the armor and sword belt over her dress. He flashed her an impressed smile, and spotted the ribbon at the end of her hair so raised his right hand in a wave. She answered with a quick curtsy before he guided his horse away with Ghost following him.

Over time they all left camp and made their way to the Wolf's Field outside Winterfell. At one end stood the Stark forces with their backs to trees and across from them with their backs to Winterfell was a mass of Bolton soldiers.

Both armies stood still and silent until Ramsay road forward holding a rope. Reek rushed forward to take the horse's reins, handing them off to a soldier after Ramsay dismounted. With a look back he tugged on the rope, forcing Rickon to follow.

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