Chapter 27: Reunion and Redemption

Start from the beginning

"Wun Wun?" asked Bronn.

"The giant," said Brienne. "He big enough he can step on them and crush their bones, but that's not an option for us, so it's fire, dragonglass and valyrian steel."

Bronn looked between the others as Theon pulled his sword from the wight, letting the guards take it away. "You northerners are fuckin' weird."


Once Daenerys' party prepared to leave Jon's did as well, and while Daenerys' ship neared the horizon Jon's group thanked the Flints and departed for Winterfell. As much as he wanted to push late into the nights to get there sooner, they kept a reasonable pace. It was still six days before Winterfell came into view.

The courtyard had filled with people come to greet him, but his eyes instantly locked on the short dark-haired girl stood beside Sansa. Jon practically leapt off the horse, taking a few steps before coming to a stop and let out a laugh.


Tears prickled her eyes before she ran at him, leaping into his open arms just as she did years ago when she named Needle.

"I missed you, big brother," she whispered.

Jon glanced at her, squeezing her tighter. "Whoever I am, you're my sister. Always."

Arya nodded into him. "Always."

He ignored the onlookers as he set her down and smirked. "You've barely grown."

Arya punched his arm. "Shut up."

"I could have your hand for that," he warned with a laugh. Looking her over his smile fell to a frown. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me."

"You were," she assured, tapping Needle's hilt.

With a kiss to Arya's forehead he pet Ghost and walked to Sansa. She greeted him with a warm smile. "Winterfell is yours, my king."

The crowd thinned and Sansa led Jon, Davos, Melisandre, Arya, Rickon, Bran and Brienne toward his solar where Maester Wolkan had prepared all the letters from the days he'd been gone. Once Wolkan left Jon walked toward his desk looking through the letters, giving each a quick read before setting it on the desk and moving to the next.

"We have guests," Sansa told him once she pushed Bran into place near the hearth.

"Who came?" Jon asked, glancing at her briefly as he set down a letter and moved to the next.

"Our aunt Lysa came with her son and her husband."

Jon looked up, frowning as he remembered what Sansa had told her of all three. "Are they causing trouble?"

"Not yet," said Sansa.

"Robin's..." Rickon couldn't think of what to say without being mean. He'd wait until Sansa wasn't around this time. That would be lordly enough, surely.

"Lysa's always glaring at Sansa," Arya said crossing her arms.

Shaking his head, Jon looked back to the letters. "Anyone else?"

"Jaime Lannister came with a small escort. He seemed interested in meeting you."

Jon chuckled. "He met me years ago. Thanked me for my service at the Wall before I left. As if it's much different from the Kingsguard."

"After that we received a Daemon Sand from Dorne on behalf of Princess Arianne Martell and Garlan Tyrell from the Reach." She watched Jon's head snap up to look at Davos, whose brow rose. "What?"

Davos seemed to have a silent exchange with Jon before looking to Sansa. "Daenerys' war effort has had some trouble. They took Casterly Rock but lost the ships that took them there and found it mostly empty. The Lannisters had left to sack Highgarden."

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