C H A P T E R : O N E

Start from the beginning

Mila was wearing a similar one but she had a nude color one on which looked spectacular on her. Mila had this natural beauty to her and she was so confident so she had like a glow to her.
" Oh my god!! Mia you look hot"
"Thank you Mila... but I mean you look sexy as f"
"Well then let's get going shall we?"
"We shall" we giggle and made our way to the club which was only down the street and for some odd reason I had a strange feeling but I decided to ignore it since tonight I was going to have fun with Mila just like old times
When we reached the club there was a long line but because Mila is a famous model we didn't have to wait which I kinda felt bad for the other people
I felt someone looking at me so I looked around but saw no one so I decided to dance with Mila who later I lost because she was dancing with some guy many came and asked if I wanted to dance but I politely rejected the offer because I'm engaged. I was now just sitting down having a drink when I saw a figure approaching me
"Hello miss but the guy up there..." he pointed to the VIP section which Mila wanted to get us to but I said no "would like to meet you and said if you would join him for a drink?"
"Well you can tell him that if he wants to speak to me he can come here"
"Of course as you wish" he had an Italian accent just like me so am guessing they were Italians
"How much I missed you principessa..." that voice I knew that voice but it couldn't possibly be him as I turned to face him I saw him standing in all his glory... the one who always took my breath away and could make me feel safe just by saying my name...
"Alessandro?" I couldn't quite see him but I knew it was him I would recognize his voice anywhere
"Principessa you remember me..." he was stopped when my hand met his face
"How dare you come here tell me that you miss me when you just walked out like nothing and never even tried to contact me!! I waited so long for you to come back Alessandro!! So many nights I cried myself to sleep it was so hard and you just come here offering a drink? But of course it's Alessandro everybody in all his fucking glory" I didn't notice that tears were starting to leave my eyes
" Mia come with me and I'll explain everything... I did try to find you but it was impossible... principessa please listen to me I beg you"
"Fine but only because I don't want to see your face ever again and let me find Mila to tell her to not worry" I looked for Mila and Alessandro behind me looking at me as if I was just going to disappear " Mila! I'm leaving I'll see you back at the hotel"
"Wait who is this?"
"Oh this is nobody I just need to have a chat with him don't worry I'll be fine"
Okay if anything I'll call Alfonso I might not like him but if anything were to happen to his future wife he would kill me" she giggle so I know she is drunk of her ass
"Let's go Mila"
"What fine but what about mr. nobody here?"
"We need to drop her off first then I'll talk to you"
"Of course principessa"
"Woah you are so hot with your Italian accent" Mila was so amused and fell she passed out so Alessandro carried her to a car and gave instructions to the driver to take her back to the hotel which wasn't far but Mila was in no state to walk so car ride was a better option
"There is a diner just down the street we can talk there" he said almost begging
"Fine... lets get this over with" I don't know why I was being so cold with him probably because I was hurt...
"Let's go?" He walked by my side in silence I was cold and he noticed and gave me his jacket which I took because I was cold and this stupid dress wasn't helping... I noticed it was the jacket I gave him as a graduation gift, I can't believe he kept it all this time. Well I mean I still have the bracelet which I wear all the time. Alfonso asked why I never take it off I told him because it was from a special someone and that's true Alessandro will always be special but am hurt how he just walked out and left me.
"You still wear the bracelet?"
"You still have the jacket" he opened the door and we walked in a waitress came to our table and she was ignoring my presence and focusing on Alessandro I mean I don't blame her what the heck no Mia you are engaged!!
"Hello my name is Jenny what will you like today?"
"First for you to not be so rude and take her order first..." she looked hurt since when was he so rude
"I'll just have a soda"
"Of course anything else"
"Black coffee for me now get the fuck out of my sight" his eyes were dark and he looked scary now in the light I can see that he is tattooed all over
"You don't have to be such a bitch Alessandro... she found you attractive that's all" he turned to me his eyes darker than ever
"So you're getting married?"
"Huh?... oh yeah he is a great guy and he would never walk out on me even when life gets rough"
"You don't know that Mia your are just mad you know why I left I had no choice!"
"We all have a choice Alessandro... you could've taken me with you... I loved you more than just my best friend I was ready to give it all up for you but you chose to leave and not fight for us..."
"Mia me walking out of your life was the best for you... I'm not a good person why do you think your brothers are after me... I kill people Mia it's dangerous to feel for anyone if you were with me you would be a target for all my enemies... you think I chose this no... but it's the family business what can I do"
"Why did you leave?"
"I just told you..."
"No! I want the truth if you are so powerful like they say then you have nothing to fear... so why did you leave?"
"Because I fell in love with a girl she was amazing, gorgeous, so oblivious of how cruel this world is, she saw the good in everyone and never gave up... I love her and I still do but I can't have her..."
" are you serious you left because you fell in love with me?... are you fucking serious right now?"
"Mia I love you principessa but I don't want you to get hurt and if you would've left with me... you would always be in danger so yes I was stupid but I loved you then and I still do and now I know I can protect you so if you would just give me a chance..."
"No! You can't just walk in here and expect me to leave Alfonso for you I love him and I am getting married in two months and you or anyone can change that!"
"We'll see principessa" he stood up and kissed me he just fucking kissed me and I liked it with that he left
Please comment and share and give me feed back and tips please I only want to improve my writing skills

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