Chapter 23

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"My love for you knows no bounds, it's timelessness and endless. You enrich my life in more ways that I can never seem to express in words. I felt strongly connected to you the moment I first saw you and looked into your eyes. I was drawn to your soul in a way I have never experienced before. You are the only one that can see the door to my soul".

Andre's POV.

Elizabeth Johnson means the world to me. My actions always speak louder than my words, but I need my words to get out in the open so that she really know how much she means to me. For the pass couple of days I've been slowly expressing myself but I need to speak up a little more for her. Because of Elizabeth I am becoming the man that my mother wanted me to be, the man that she raised me to become, but I strayed away from that path when she died.

I walked us into the bathroom and she sat on the toilet covered up in the sheets as I set a warm bath in the Jacuzzi. She's is the most beautiful girl in the world sitting on the toilet with her thoughts all over the place, I could tell because I  know my Liz very well.


I walked over to her and I took her hand into mine and led her over to the Jacuzzi. Standing from behind I  took the sheet from around her and guide her to stepped in the Jacuzzi and she sat down leaving a space for me to sat behind her.

She slide back on to me and rest her head on my chest closing her eyes as I wrapped my arms around her. I slowly rubbed her body with the loofah cleaning her up. After we where through with our bath she wrapped her body in the bathrobe and I wrapped a towel around my waist and we walked over into the bedroom.

"I love you Andre".

She held onto my hand and pull me close to her.


"Shhhh, I know".

She cut me off with a kiss.

"I know that you love me Andre and everything you do is out of love. I know you have a hard time opening up but your actions speak loud enough for to hear them very clearly".

I kissed her while she walked us over to the bed when she hit against it causing her to fell and she pulled me down with her and both our heads hit together. She burst out into laughter contagiously and I couldn't but join in.

"You have a very beautiful smile liz".

I said looking into her blue grey eyes.

Come on Andre you can do this. Say the words. My subconscious screams.

"Elizabeth, my love for you knows no bounds, it's timelessness and endless. You enrich my life in more ways that I can never seem to express in words. I felt strongly connected to you the moment I first saw you and looked into your eyes. I was drawn to your soul in a way I have never experienced before. You are the only one that can see the door to my soul-".

I was taken by surprised by her sudden kiss and tight gripped hugged.

"I love you too Andre".

Moments after we change the sheets on the bed. Lizzy made herself comfortable in my arms and I felt at home. I never slept with anyone like this before, I never cuddled or played with Amber. I was wrong for not treating her the way she was supposed to be treated because she was a very nice person to me, but she never understood me nor took the time out to, even though Elizabeth was all that was on my mind. I held her tightly with no regrets and we both fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of emails coming in my phone and lizzy wasn't there beside me. I sat up in the bed and grab the phone off the bed side table and walked into the kitchen because I knew that's where she would be. I walked over to her making oatmeal and eggs with toasts and what smelled like cookies in the oven. She had on one of my t-shirts and boxers shorts Monica had gotten me that was way too small.

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