Chapter 1: The Long Road to Success

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Have you ever heard people say that metal is the work of the devil. Well, do you know how accurate it is. Trust me it's pretty accurate. Sometimes you may think, it's too heavy, well, do I have something to tell you, it doesn't get any more fucking heavier than this.

Our band Necrophiliac Death See was the start of the long road of success. We aren't black metal or doom Metal, well, maybe a bit of doom, but we're a stoner metal band, and let me tell you, we signed our souls to the Devil. It all started the day I moved to Wisconsin, my ex and her boyfriend offered me to stay at they're place when I came in. Of course I had my doubts but it all worked out in the end. At 4:30 A.M. I stepped off that Greyhound bus. I grabbed my bag, guitar and amp. I made my way down to prospect avenue. As soon as I got there I knocked on the door, the light turned on. Of course it was about an hour walk from the bus station. The door opened to a beautiful woman with no make up on. She looked me up and down. She threw her arms around me. "It's so good to finally meet you." I laughed. "It's good to see you Luna, how you been?" "I've been good, here come in." I nodded I walked in and she showed me her room. I sat down my stuff and walked into the living area. She offered me a seat on the couch next to her so I took the offer. I sat down. "So what exactly brought you here?" "Battle of the band in the fall." "So you came here in the dead of winter?" I laughed and nodded. "I walked here it wasn't that cold, only like 2 degrees out there." She laughed. "Well, make yourself at home, this is your new house now. You're always welcome with Grant and I." I nodded. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I took off my leather jacket and put it up on the chair. "We have whiskey at the top if you want the jack, we don't really drink jack anymore." "So I can have the entire handle?" She laughed. "Of course." I grabbed the bottle and popped the inside lid off. I took a swig and waked back into the living area. "So how long did it take for you to get here?" "Eh, almost 17 hours." "Really, you must be exhausted?" "Hahaha only a little bit." She laughed. That's when Grant entered. "Holy shit, if it isn't my partner in crime." I laughed I got up and hugged him. "Dude, you lost some weight." "Yeah, I know right? It only took about 5 months and nothing but body building." "How much do you weigh now?" "Well, I dropped down to about 130 pounds, then I gained about 150 pounds of muscle so I'm sitting at about 280 pounds of muscle right now." "Good Lord? Have you ever had to fight anyone?" "Well, not since the incident but that's about it." "The incident?" I laughed. "That's right, you never heard about it, well, my ex Kaylee, she cheated on me with a guy named Rey, well, he thought he'd be the wise guy to break us up, he tried getting me to break it off with her by showing up to my house at 3 in the morning, so I decked him in the face and shattered his left cheek bone and broke his nose, so now his left face is now nothing but mush, they're planning on reconstructing it next year." "Oh damn." He laughed. I nodded. I had long black hair so my hair was just kind of flung back and I was wearing a beanie anyway. "So what brought you here?" "Battle of the bands." "Damn, so you're in a band?" I nodded. "Hell yeah man, were supporting you in that case." I nodded and gave him a high five. "Well, I'm off to bed, I'll see you guys when I wake up?" "Well don't work for the next week, so yeah, we're planning on catching dinner then a movie if you wanna come?" "Hell yeah, what time?" "About 7 PM." "Fine with me, night y'all." They smiled and watched as I walked into my room and shut the door. I took a couple of more swig's and passed out with my boots, black jeans and wrist bands still on. I was shirtless and beanieless.

Luna P.O.V.

I just put on my face mask when there was a knock at the door. I went and opened it. And sure enough it was him. We had a good visit til he went to go crash. Him and Grant talked for a bit, I just embraced the moment. Finally he walked to his room. He shut the door then the lights were out. I looked at Grant and we both started laughing. "So what do you think of Kalob?" Grant looked at me. "I missed the shit out of him, he got stronger." I laughed. "I know, the last time we dated he was scared of everything, he was over weight too." He nodded. I looked at the door. All I heard was snoring. We walked over there and opened it up, we saw all of his tattoos and man does he have a smoking hot body. Any girl that dates him is very lucky. He had full blown sleeves and a chest tattoo. He rolled over and on his back was the most bad ass tattoo anyone could have, it was a banner of Metallica. And man was it awesome. We shut the door and let him sleep. We locked the door and went down to Starbucks after we got ready. We were there for an hour or two. Then we walked back. As soon as we got to the apartment, the door was still locked, we dug around in my purse for the key, then we realized that we forgot to grab them. So we did what we could do. We called Kalob. It rang 5 times then he answered. "Hello?" "Kalob, can you unlock the door, we forgot the keys." "Yeah, hold on." He got up and walked to the door. Then it unlocked and he opened it. "Thank you so much." He laughed. "Yeah, no problem." He laughed again and went back to bed. I went to the restroom and sure enough something happened. It was weird. I thought to myself. I'm in love with Grant, not him. So I got finished and walked to the room.

Sure enough I woke up to the sound of an electric guitar. I got up and looked around. I listened to the guitar. Then I knew what it was. The wait by Metallica, but why is he covering it. I walked over to the door and opened up. And sure enough he was playing it. I looked at the time. 4:30 I thought to myself, did I really sleep that much? And yes, yes I did. We needed to start getting ready for the night so I hopped in the shower, and then grant did. Then grant went to go and get things ready in the car, so that left Kalob to get showered and ready. I went to tell him. He was sweaty. "Hey Kalob, you need to get ready for dinner and the movie." He nodded. "Alright, thank you for telling me, and thanks for letting me stay here." I nodded. "Any time Kalob." He got up and walked into the closet and grabbed his stuff and went to the restroom down the hall. He started showering. I walked to the room and started putting on my make up. Then I noticed the shower down the hall wasn't running anymore, so I walked down there to check on him. He was out and was getting ready. He had already put on his boxers, black jeans and his Metallica shirt, he had on his combat boots, leather jacket and beanie. He put all his hair up into that small ass beanie. And he put on his aviators. He walked out and was ready to go. So we all loaded up into the car and went to McDonald's. "Hey Kalob, what do you want?" "Ummm I'll take a bacon mcdouble." "And?" "Oh haha no that's it, I don't eat much." I nodded. So he got just that, and he only at half of it. Which was totally weird." We got to the movies and looked at the movies showing. "Lets watch detective Pikachu." He nodded. We agreed except grant, he wanted to watch Shazam. So he watched Shazam and we watched detective Pikachu. It was weird watching it with just him. He kind of loved it which was weird. And of course grants movie was an hour longer so we walked around to kill time and me and him went into deep conversation. Then we got a text from Grant. "Where are you guys?" "We're on a walk, technically outside." "Okay, see y'all in a few."

By the time he showed up I had on Kalobs leather jacket. "Where's Kalob?" "Well, he is actually protecting me." "What do you mean?" "Someone grabbed my ass and threatened to hurt me after he said something to him, the guy started a fight and so they took it around back." We walked back there and holy shit, I've never seen him kick so much ass. We watched him take on 4 guys at once. By the time it was over we we're tired. We loaded up and went home. Kalobs knuckles were busted wide open so we had to fix them up. Well, I did, grant dropped us off and went to his friend Chad's house. I doused his hands in alcohol and wrapped them up in bandages. "Thank you Luna." "No, thank you Kalob, for protecting me." "No problem." He laughed and went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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