Chapter One: The City of Legend

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"So what's the plan? I take it we won't have to attend school tomorrow?" Ranger asked. Tactician began laughing hysterically receiving questioning stares from everyone except for me, because I clearly knew what he had in mind.

"Quite the opposite... As much as you wish for it to be so." He grinned. "We're going to take the best team down... For the SECOND time. It's all planned out." He finished, with a grin on his face. 

"Now we'll know why I chose YOU, of all people." I finished. 


I was traveling by train to The Far East. I didn't bother to bring any possessions with me because I didn't really have any back at the academy, and I'm also a minimalist. I feel no desire to have anything more than I need and can often carry all of my possessions in just a small bag. This move was special however, and would be permanent. I decided that rather than bringing some items that I own, a little extra money could do the trick instead. The train ride was long and boring and filled my mind with interesting thoughts, with the most dominant being a fair question: "If I'm going to The Far East, then why am I going WEST?" 

The train headed west along a mountain pass being mauled by mounds and mounds of snow, and some nearby piles accumulated to be nearly twice my height(which wasn't very tall). I'm a short individual who is just over five feet tall, with messy silver hair atop my head that goes in just about every direction. I wear formal clothing quite often and prefer it over more comfortable day-to-day clothing. Since I had nothing better to do on the train, I just did a lot of sleeping and looking out at the wide range of weather just outside the window. Along the trip the weather included bright and sunny weather, heat waves, mucky and rainy weather, fierce lightning storms, hail, and now a blizzard. 

On the other side of the mountain, my train passed by a seemingly endless number of miles of farmland and grassy plains- the plains of Sparv. Sparv was a country in the west known for it's great farming practices and it's trading network. Although the capital of the continent was a big city for both tourists and politicians, this was the country where the merchants and caravans often set up headquarters, as well as big time farmers. Not out where the train was passing though; I was just passing by the outskirts of the city where all of the grassy fields were. Would look great with the sunset, but unfortunately it was still midday. 

After going back to sleep later that night, I woke up to one of the train waiters stating that we had arrived at The Far East. I got up, looked out the window, and was amazed as I headed towards my new city of residence. I decided to write down my thoughts while they were still dominant in my mind. 

"As I look out that window I see a city above all other cities- it is amazing and looks to be so much more superior to all other places in the world. This beautiful place that I see up in the clouds is unavailable to almost all people on the continent and is in legend specifically set up as a residence for... Different people. Or at least that's what people know about. On the continent it only existed as a myth, but I hadn't known that, because I'd only heard of it in name before, not in detail. I can imagine the reactions of my friends from back home as they hear that I've been sent to The Far East- a place that as far as they knew only exists in legend. The city is covered with lights above me as I find myself being carried up by some magic-powered elevator into the city above. It also answers my question about why The Far East is on the west side of the continent:  the city itself was upside down and in the air, and from their perspective is in the east. Archaeologists of the continent now below my feet have been looking for this place for quite some time... On the east side of the continent. However, that's all I know about this mysterious place. I look forward to whatever this place has in store for me."

I looked around for a place to stay and eventually found a nice place to sleep. I was supposed to go to the central academy in The Far East,  but that could wait because I  also wanted to tour the city for a while. After all, I was new to the city that only existed in legend, and who wouldn't want to tour a legendary city for a while? 

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