Chapter 1

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"Wow," was the only word that came to mind, and so that's what I said. My friend meets my eyes before shutting off her phone and putting it face down on the table.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Amy." I nod in agreement. I take a deep breath in and get to my feet, as does she. "I should probably go before he gets back."

"Can you take the girls with you?" Posie nods. I head upstairs to find the girls playing in Angel's room. "Hey girls, you're gonna spend the night with Posie. Okay?" Angel grins and immediately grabs her suitcase. "Don't forget your leotard. You have dance tomorrow." I look down at Amber Lynne and stretch my hand to her. She grabs it and we head to her room and I begin holding up outfits for her.

"Sparkles!" She squeals when I hold up her sequined flats. I smile and put them in her bag before grabbing a light pink dress and a denim jacket. I pack her essentials and pick her up before making my way downstairs.

Angel and Posie stood by the door. Posie takes Amber from my arms and gives me a tight hug before ushering the girls out of the house. I watch as they pull away before turning to my two dogs, who were sitting in the kitchen entrance.

"You guys want outside?" I ask as I cross the foyer and head towards the back door. I open it and they bolt outside into the snow. I smile and watch them until I hear the front door open. I close the back door and quietly make my way back to the foyer. I lean against the pillar as he hangs up his jacket and takes off his shoes. He looks up and jumps slightly before smiling and walking towards me with his arms open for an embrace. I step back and he stops, giving me a confused look.

"Babe, is something wrong?"

I tilt my head to the side and give him an unamused look, "I don't know, Nick. You tell me."

"Umm...that's why I was asking you?" I push off the wall and pull out my phone, pulling up the picture of him kissing his ex. I show it to him and he immediately begins to apologize.

"I don't want to hear it, Nick. This is third time since she broke up with John that you've been caught on her lips. I'm done with this shit. You want to go and kiss other girls, go ahead. But you'll be single doing it. I won't be disrespected again, not in front of my girls."

"So, what? You're gonna kick me out? I bought this house."

I shake my head, "I'm not kicking you out. I'm telling you I'm leaving. Angel and Amber are coming with me, and so are the dogs. You can have this house for your parties or your hook ups." I head upstairs and begin packing Angel's room.

"Where the hell are they?" Nick comes storming into the room.

"They're with Posie. I felt they would be safer with her than here when I decided to tell you. I'm disappointed in you, Nick. After all we've been through, after all you've promised, you lied to and cheated on me. I thought you changed." I get up and push past him to Amber's room.

I begin packing and he follows me.

"You can't just leave, Amethyst. They're my daughters too."

I shake my head as I pack her clothes, "You're not responsible enough to take care of them. You're not even ninety percent of the time. You'd rather spend your days getting drunk and partying or going to comedy gigs than spend time with the girls."

"I'll change, just please don't take my girls away from me." I could hear the pleading in his voice and my heart breaks a little.

"I'm sorry, Nick, but until you can prove to me that you actually mean what you say, the girls are going to stay with me. I'll allow periodic visits on weekends, or whenever you're not at work, but I don't trust you to behave accordingly when they're in your care." I get to my feet and pick up the suitcase.

"I'll be back tomorrow to get the rest." I move past him, grabbing Angel's suitcase and jogging downstairs. I call the dogs in and they follow me out to the SUV.

"Amethsyt, please. Reconsider." I motion for Kele and Lola to jump in before closing the door and facing Nick.

"Reconsider? How about you reconsider cheating on me multiple times with your exes? How about you reconsider making me look like a fool each time you're out with your arm around a new girls waist? Fuck you for asking me to reconsider." I get into the drivers seat and pull out of the driveway.

Tears roll down my cheeks when I look in the rearview mirror to see Nick standing in the middle of the road, watching as I drive away. I look forward, to where I was going and to the future.

A future without Nick.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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