The meeting

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Mark pov ~~
It was the day of my engagement party. Dont get me wrong the guy my grandfather chose was a successful , young and good looking man however i didnt love him. I know it sounds pathetic and i have grown up being told love doesnt exist it is nothing but a tie to other companies. But my parents , as ive been told , were deeply in love. I want to find someone i can love just as much as my parents loved each other, no matter what anyone says.

My friend walks into my dressing room telling me that everyone is waiting, i began to look at the figure of his body, he is almost built like mine. That's it if i can convine my bestfriend (haechan) to walk down the isle instead of me i could possibly escape. Since Haechan is my bestfriend of course he agreed, bells began to toll and music began playing it was go time, i put a veil over his head and changed into some different clothes and gave mine to Haechan, damnnnnn we looked similar but anyway i silently creeped towards the back door as i saw my bestfriend walk down the aisle. But of course my luck ran low haechan stupidly lifted his veil and exposed the both of us.... everyone looked towards me i chuckled nervously and ran !!!

My grandfathers men were chasing me i didnt know when to stop, i saw a motorbike ahead and jumped on. I lost them for now but i know they will find me sooner or later.
Now you may be wondering why i planned to escape in the first place, well you see that is because according to my grandfather my dad is not dead, apparently he ditched us and the only reason i am searching for him is beacause i believe he is a good man. The first place i went to check is SNU ( he used to attend there ) maybe i can get a clue to his location by looking there , now i dont live in seoul so i had to find a way...

3 hours later ~~

I was on a bus to seoul , finally my childhood dreams are being granted however the bus could only go so far so i had to take a taxi the rest of the way which was alright since i had the time to change out of my outfit i was previously wearing... it was time to get ugly ( literally )!

Before ~

Before ~

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After ~

I put on a pink wig hoping that it would make me unrecognisable

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I put on a pink wig hoping that it would make me unrecognisable. I was walking around seoul when i bumped into this stranger both our bags fell but i quite quicky appoligised and picked up my bag. I faced the other way and continued my journey. The aroma of spicy rice cakes were getting stronger, i let myself find my way to the stall and when i was about to get some cash from the big bag of money i brought none if it was there just some basic stuff and a phone! Ugh we must of swapped bags.

I ran to go and look for him but he wasnt there! I guess im just gonna have to beg for money, the more i waited nothing was changing. As my eyes were beggining to shut i caught a glimpse of men in white suits.. it cant be i fleed towards a direction where people were crowding and tried to blend in, they were heading my direction i picked up some balloons and went along with the crowd, just as they passed me i let my guard down and they noticed.

I ran as fast as i could to the exit and somehow managed to escape, when i though i lost them i took a breather but soon enough they were on my tail again. Before my vision blurred a dark pathway caught my eye ' if i just speed up abit i could loose them right? '

I bolted towards it and saw a lady changing, wow women here are really shamless, i think she heard because 'she' turned around and revealed that she was a man, well who cares ... i grabbed his wrist and asked him to play along he, went with it but in return asked for a favour. The men in white suits ran off in another direction but moments later another group of me in black suits showed up and the random guy flipped our positions and as i was asking questions he shut me up and threatened to kiss me!!
Once again they ran past us but one of them knocked into this 'guy' and it accidently pushed our lips together...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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