Home Alone

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As Veronica stopped writing, she got up, put her slippers on, and went out to say her last goodbye's. " Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad!" They were out of the door in a blink of an eye. Veronica ran to her room and laid back down on her bed. She picked up her phone and called her closest friends to ask if they want to come over for a week sleepover. After they said yes they can, she got in her nicest, coziest, comfiest clothing. "Casual but cozy," she said. She got dressed and hurried to the kitchen where her speaker was laying. 

The Kitchen

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The Kitchen

When she turned on her speaker, she started playing her favorite song "Sunflower" By Swae Lee & Post Malone. She got chips, dip, mini sandwiches, drinks, deserts, and little snacks. *Ding Dong* Her loud doorbell rang through the house and in her ears. She ran over to the door, and there he stood. "BEN!!!!!!!" She screamed. She jumped on him and gave him the biggest kiss. "Veronica! I missed you so much! Oh, by the way, Your friends knew I was coming. They told me I was invited to your week-long sleepover." Ben said excitedly. Veronica grabbed his hand and led him to her newly remodeled room. 

Veronica's bedroom

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Veronica's bedroom

Ben looked amazed. "Ronnie this is beautiful!" Ben said. She looked up at him and flashed him with her beautiful smile. *Ding Dong* The doorbell rang and Ronnie ran to the door and opened it. "Glad you can make it you guys!" Aricka and Alison stood at the door and started through the door. "Just set your bags in my room!" She said. They started to her room and came back instantly. "So?? What do you want to do now?" Veronica grabbed Alison's hand, Alison grabbed Aricka's hand, and Aricka grabbed Ben's hand. "Woah! You have your own movie theater?!" Veronica nodded and ran to grab the remote before the rest of the girls could. Veronica dove into the couch a grabbed it instantly. Ben followed her and dove right beside her. Alison & Aricka dove into the bean bags right in front of her large movie theater screen

 Alison & Aricka dove into the bean bags right in front of her large movie theater screen

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Movie Theater

Veronica looked for movies while Alison & Aricka & Ben were making popcorn. When she saw them come through the doors, there was the biggest bowl of popcorn that you could ever see in your lifetime. "Woah!!! That's a huge bowl!" They sat down and watched "Gone With The Wind". About two hours later, the movie was still going, Veronica looked over at Ben and saw that he was sleeping. Veronica, Alison, & Aricka were the only ones up. All of a sudden, Ben's phone started ringing. He woke up, startled but the ringing noise. He picked his phone up and answered it in the family room. "Veronica! Should we scare him while he's on the phone?" Aricka said. "Of Course!" Veronica said. They all got up and hid behind the wall before jumping out and scaring him. "No, I love you! Not Veronica. Yes! I'll break up with her tomorrow! I swear!" Ben said over the phone. Aricka & Alison looked at Veronica and saw tears streaming down her face. "Come on. Let's go watch the movie. You can sit in between us. Don't sit by Ben" Alison said. They both put there hands on her shoulder and led her back into the movie theater. They sat down and didn't speak to Ben for the rest of the night. Aricka even gave him a dirty look halfway through the movie. When the movie was over, Ben took Veronica into the other room to talk to her. "Ronnie? What's wrong? You haven't talked to me for the last part of the movie." Ben said confusingly. "Nothing! I'm fine!!!!" Veronica said angrily. Aricka and Alison came running in the room to see if she was okay. "You should just go, Ben," Veronica said with tears streaming down her face. As they walked Veronica to her room where they were sleeping, they sat her down and both went to talk to Ben. "Not cool, Ben. We heard what you said on the phone." Aricka said. Ben put his hands over his face stressing. "I better be going. Tell Veronica we're done." Ben said. Ben angrily walked out and slammed the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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