Week 1 - Kokona (Friday)

Start from the beginning

Glancing over at Kokona, Ayano saw that the girl was clearly enjoying her pancake. She put her plate down and said. "I'll be right back, I need the toilet," this time, she wasn't lying either. She headed upstairs, leaving the purple haired girl alone.

Sitting on the sofa, Kokona finished her pancake and had a look around. Was there a clue for what Ayano had done, it had to been something horrible. She walked around the room and eventually saw a staircase. "A basement?...." she walked down the stairs and opened the door at the base, opening to the basement.

When she stepped in, her eyes widened upon the site of the torture chair. ".....What the...." she murmured, traumatised at the sight. "What...did she...." she looked to see a camera and started putting two and two together. "...D-did she kidnap s-somebody.....to r-record a message...."

Since she was shell-shocked, she didn't realise that Ayano had come to find her and was now standing in the doorway with a worried look. She eventually heard Ayano footstep and turned in terror. "...A-ayano......" she felt so worried that the grey haired girl would hurt her for discovering this.

However, that didn't happen as Ayano sighed in worry. "...I'm sorry you had to discover this, Kokona," she could see how scared the girl was, and she needed to find a way to calm her down. "D-don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I actually didn't want to do anything that you just found out...., everything I did. Was to save you from your compensated dating and your father's debt."

".....Y-you knew about my c-c-compensated dating?...I know that I implied I...was doing s-something w-wrong, but...." Kokona had rested against the wall, fearfully. However, she seemed more calm than before.

"Sorry, I overheard your conversation on Monday with that guy. Ever since then....." Ayano sighed, she knew she would need to explain everything and not just a snippet. "I feel like I need to explain everything. Don't I?"

After a few moments of utter silence, Kokona finally nodded slightly to show that she was listening. Ayano sat down in the chair, being cautious around the straps. "You see....every since the day I was born, I've been unable to feel emotions."


"No talking, let me finish please. When I overheard your conversation on Monday,....,I started feeling things. I can't explain how and why. It doesn't even match what my mother always told me....." she sighed, but then opened her grey-blue eyes to look straight at her friend. "Something about you made me feel emotions for the first time....I can't explain it, but that's just how it is. Thus, I feel protective over you. I wanted to help you more than life. I could never hurt you and I wanted to do....anything....to save your from your problems. And that included kidnapping Musume. Don't worry, she's not hurt and by now her father has likely found her."

"A-are you s-sure......?"

"Positive, she may feel a little depressed when she returns to school. However," Ayano formed a small smile. "She may have a new appreciation for life and will stop her bullying, which benefits my friends as well. So it's not just you that kidnapping her has helped."

"....I....see......." sighing a little, Kokona's body relaxed and she pulled herself fully up and walked over to Ayano with worried eyes. "A-are you absolutely certain t-that you didn't hurt her?"

"I'm certain," honestly, Ayano knew she had done some damage to the blonde with the pipe she had used to render Musume unconscious. However, she hadn't done worrying levels of damage that would maybe kill her. "All I used was a safe tranquilliser......all it did was put her to sleep so that she couldn't make noises whilst I brought her here."

"I see.....and where is she now?"

"When I last saw her, she was in a music box outside of the Ronshaku building. But that was last night, by now she likely would have been found and returned to her father. Grabbing her video recorder, she tapped to replay the video she had made of Musume so that Kokona could judge her sanity.

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