Chapter 3: Charms and Potions

Start from the beginning

He still couldn't do the spell.

"It is not as hard as you think. Just, relax and say the spell."

Newt looked at the feather and sighed.

"You can do this Newt. I believe in you." You said.

He gave you a small smile and tried again.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Newt said and flicked his wand.

Slowly his feather stared floating in the air.

"Thank you, Y/n!" He said smiling.

"For what?"

"For believing in me."

You gave Newt a small smile.

"Well done! Mr.?" Professor asked.

"Scamander, sir."

"Well, done Mr. Scamander. Now, for homework, yes, there is homework! I expect a small essays on the other three variations of the Levitation Spell. You should find your information in the library. Have a nice day."

You and Newt walked out of the class together.

"Do you remember which class we have next?" Newt asked you.

"Potions, I think. It is in the Dungeons, right?"

"I think so."

You both headed to the stairs.

When you reached the classroom the door was open so you walked in. You found yourself a table and sat down. As soon as you prepared your notebook, quill and ink the Professor walked in.

"Welcome to your first year of Potions. I'm professor Slughorn. Now, Potions may seem as one of the easier subjects as there is not much wand waving or bangs or noises, however if you don't know the correct procedures, it may end up as the one of the most dangerous ones. There are several Potions and Drafts that have been classified as 'Dangerous' or 'Illegal' by the Ministry. Just a look through the list will make you understand why though. Anyway, let's start by defining what Potions are. Does someone want to read out loud for us?"

A Slitherin boy stared reading.

What are Potions?

Potions are liquid that are produced by a number of different ingredients and with some magic. Muggles cannot make most of the Potions even if they have the ingredients because most Potions need a wave of your wand to finish it off.

Your ingredients are what make your Potion possible. It's essential, therefore, that you have a thorough understanding of the different techniques for handling your ingredients. A good knowlage of the magical herbs covered in your Herbology would also be helpful.

It's obvious that all of the ingredients that we are about to use can be easily and readily obtained. This means that most ingredients are not extremely dangerous to store and can be found in any basic Potion kit. Depending on their state, most ingredients can be shorted in simple glass bottles or boxes. Many ingredients are somewhat perishable, so it's important to follow any instructions given by the apothecary regarding expiration dates, storage temperature, recommended containers, etc.

While many measurements are done by weight, sometimes measurements of length or even simple counts can be used. The instruments used for these processes will be prescribed by your instructor. As always, it's important that things are done in a standard way. The Wizarding World weights in ounces, pounds and stones. We measure in inches and feet. If you have a firm grasp of Wizarding measurements, you should be able to work through any potion recipe that we may come across.

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