"They're all wolves" Hayley states as she look horrified at the scene. She walks over to where a young man is chained ip and sees what looks like a threatening mask over his face, only it has two vials on either side full of the same blood orange fluid. Hayley reaches out to touch the man, making his eyes open revealing yellow-gold werewolf eyes. "They're still alive!"

Everyone in the room looks equally disgusted by what Lucien has been doing. Klaus gets curious when he sees a clear plastic curtain behind him and turns to open it to find a dead women bound to an exam table with lesions all over her face, neck, and chest. Klaus breathes deeply through his nose for a moment before speaking, "This one's a vampire. What the hell is Lucien up to here?"

"I think I'm going to be sick" Odette says before spotting a sink and quickly walks over to it so she can throw up the food she had eaten at the diner they had stopped at 

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"I think I'm going to be sick" Odette says before spotting a sink and quickly walks over to it so she can throw up the food she had eaten at the diner they had stopped at 


Klaus gently removes the werewolf venom-removing apparatus from one of the werewolves face just as Hayley walks towards him. Klaus sees her and says, "Help me with this one"

Hayley and Klaus work together to help the middle-aged werewolf out of his retrains and gently help him sit down on a nearby stool before Hayley bites her wrist and offers it to him

"No vampire blood..." The werewolf says weakly as he could barely keep his eyes open 

"That's okay. The others drank. I'm a hybrid. Go on" Hayley says making him look at them hesitantly and Hayley nods her head in encouragement "Go on"

The werewolf reluctantly drinks the blood while Klaus brainstorms what they've just learned, "He needed their venom"

Klaus looks around the room, eventually finding a small refrigerator that he opens to find a vial of cloudy white liquid, "He harvested the venom he needed, then reverse-engineered a vaccine. Clever stuff"

"And her?" Hayley asks confused as she jerks her head to the dead vampire women who is still strapped to the exam table "The dead vampire?"

"The wolfs venom, that's what killed her" Odette says walking back into the room after having cleaned herself up in the restroom down the hall needing a chance of scenery so she wouldn't throw up again and taking a look around the room it still made her feel sick yet no metal taste in her mouth meant no throwing up and during that time she was thinking of Lucien's secret laboratory "It is how Lucien tested his cure"

"Why would he need to test out something he knows already works?" Hayley asks wondering what possible plan Lucien had up his sleeve that involved hunting wolves as they were obviously missing something 


Hayley and Odette had just finished helping the last of the werewolves while Klaus called Elijah for an update on Freya and Lucien's plan. Klaus ends the call and returns to the main room of the laboratory. 

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum