Chapter 3

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1 month later


"(L/N) (Y/N) has kept the promise made in the cover Burn. No one knows what she's doing or where she is. We can just hope she comes back soon." I turn off the TV. It'll be a while until I come back. They will have to wait.

1 year later

I looked in my drawer and looked for the card Reiji gave me a year ago. I felt like I was ready to go back.

I dialed the number ready for them to pick up. "Hello?" "Hello. This is (L/N) (Y/N). Reiji gave me this business card after I resigned from Raging Agency just in case I needed a job and I need a job."

"Oh yes, of course. We've been expecting your call. It took longer than we anticipated but it's fine. We have all the papers ready. We just need you to sign them." Shining said loudly into the phone. "Okay. I'll be over in an hour. Thank you." I said as I hung up.

I arrived at the address shown on the card and entered the building. I then realized I had no idea where Shining was. Then I saw Reiji walking in my direction. "Hey, Reiji." I greeted him politely.   "(Y/N)? Long time no see. What are you doing here?" He seemed surprised. "You'll see soon enough. But I have a quick question. Where is Shining's office?" 

"Go down the hall and it's on your left." He answered.

"Thanks, Reiji. Talk to you soon." I walked down the hall and looked to my left. I took a deep breath and then I knocked on the door. 

"Come in." I heard Shining say

I opened the door. "Good morning, Shining. You said there were papers I needed to sign?" I asked him. "Hello, (Y/N). Here are the papers." He hands me a stack of papers that I needed to sign. I grabbed a pen and began to sign the forms I was given.

Once I finished, Shining handed me a key. "This is the key to your dorm room. As you probably know from the forms, there is a no-dating rule. " He explained. "That won't be a problem. Wait. What about my stuff?" I said. "Your belongings are already in your room. I sent a moving truck about an hour ago." He tells me. "Oh, thank you," I said and headed to my new room.

 I went to room number 42. I unlocked the door and saw a huge room. All my things were in boxes in the center of the room. I started to unload the boxes and organize everything.

I finally finished unpacking all my stuff. My bass and guitar were next to my bed. I had my albums on my shelf, a piano in the middle of my room, and a bookshelf filled with novels was against a galaxy designed wall.

I exited my new dorm and went to explore the building a bit.

I walked over to a lounge area. I saw some people relaxing on the sofas. I recognized them as Shining's most popular bands.Quartet Night and STARISH were all talking to each other. 

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Reiji said when he saw you. "Hi, Reiji." I replied with a smile. "We were waiting for Shining. He called us over here for some reason." Just as Reiji said that Shining came flying through the air and landed on his feet. "Does he always do that?" I asked Reiji. "You'll get used to it once you've seen it enough," Reiji replied.

"Perfect. (Y/N) is here, too." Shining said. "But I called you all here for a reason. This is (Y/N). She came from Raging Agency. If you have watched the news, you should probably know who she is." Shining said.

"Also, (Y/N), I have decided you will be Quartet Night's official composer," Shining announced. To be completely honest, I was certainly not expecting that. "But isn't that Nanami's job?" Syo asked. "She was a temporary composer for the Triple S and I think that (Y/N)'s songs would go more with Quartet Night than Nanami's" Shining explained. "(Y/N) will also be helping Nanami with some of STARISH's songs. I expect you to treat her with respect. She has extraordinary skills so take any advice she gives you. Have fun!" Shining jumps away, leaving us all in shock.

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