Chapter 1

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It's Sunday June 24th, 8:00 pm
I concentrated so much on the training that I completely forgot that I still had to learn for my biology exam. When I stopped training, Leon was already gone. It was 8:00 pm. I took my cell phone and read the messages. One immediately stuck my eye.
Lucy: Surf Inn. Meet at 8:30 pm
This is my favourite bar. I ran straight to the closet and got dressed. Then I took my things and slammed the door behind me.
As usual I arrived on time. Lucy's been waiting. And with her a tall, slim guy who's probably older than Lucy.
,,Hey, Lucy"
,,Hey Zoe. I want to introduce you to someone. This is Luca, my..."
She stopped for a moment.
"your what?" I pushed
,,my boyfriend"
"WHAT?!" I screamed uncontrollably.
"Lucy I know you're hurt but replacing Nic after a week...Are you gonna hurt him with this?"
,,OMG NO WHO DO YOU THINK AM I?! I met Luca 2 weeks ago and it clicked immediately."
While Lucy talked to me and explained to me how and when all this happened I noticed that Luca looked at me with penetrating looks and a mischievous smile slipped away from him. I had a strange feeling with him but his charming nature could convince me of the opposite so we went in and had a drink. It was a mix of a few beers and plenty of Tequila shots. At some point I got drunk enough to go on the dance floor with Lucy. Luca stayed with the drinks. At some point I was so done that I stumbled to the bar and drank all my beer at once and also a whole glass of water I thought was mine or Lucy's. 5 minutes later I became extremely dizzy and I staggered quite strangely. I mumbled briefly in Lucy's direction 'I would go out' but she hadn't noticed. Someone else noticed tho and that was Luca. He led me to the back exit. When I had caught some air Luca pulled me further to a black Van with darkened windows. He opened the back room and pushed me in. Then he followed with slow steps and a devilish smile, closed the doors and turned on the light. I tried to crawl to the door but he grabbed me and held a cloth with a strange smell over my mouth and nose. I got nauseous and my eyes got heavy and then it didn't take long until I passed out.

Lucy - Textart
Zoe - Textart
Other - Textart

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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