Penny gaped at her.

             "I take back what I said before. This," she waved to the air between where Madison's words still lingered between them. "This is the new worst idea ever."

            "Don't be a coward." Madison made a move for the phone, and Penny immediately tried to leap over it.

            Madison was a lot faster than her though, and easily got to the phone first, even though Penny was right next to it.

            Sliding the phone to answer the ringing stopped.

            Penny gaped in horror. Then with just the word 'catch' Madison threw the phone to her.

            Penny fumbled and almost dropped the phone on the floor. She glanced down hesitantly at the screen to see if she had managed to accidentally hang up on whoever it was on the other end.

She hadn't.

The seconds counting the duration of the call crept up on the phone screen, and Penny could hear the faint mumble of someone on the other side of the phone already speaking.

            Penny's heart leapt into the throat and she gave Madison one last glare before placing the phone tentatively to her ear.

            Madison just shrugged one shoulder with a smirk still on her face that clearly said 'you made your bed now lie in it'.

            Penny closed her eyes and exhaling one long breath before daring to speak. "He-hello?" She stuttered.

            There was dead silence on the other side...and then-

            "Who the hell is this? And why the hell are you answering Liam's phone?"

            Penny's heart stopped.

            "...A-about that." Penny said awkwardly. "I uh... I found your...friend's phone?" The way she said 'friend' came out equal parts questioning and hopeful. It would really suck of cute coffee shop guy already had a girlfriend that he was helplessly in love with.

Not that Penny really thought she had much of a chance with this whole having stolen his phone situation.

            She inwardly winced hoping that she had been subtle enough that the person on the other end didn't pick up on her desperation.

            From the way Madison slapped her hand to her face, Penny guessed that she was not successful.


            [Why couldn't you just come with me?]

            Penny's anxiety was threatening to eat her alive.

            [you can do this (cheering on emoji)]

            [I am a literal disaster without you]

            Penny bit her lip as her eyes flittered up. She was standing outside the coffee shop, where she had told the angry sounding girl on the other end of the phone that she would be so that she could give back cute-coffee-shop-guy's phone.

She was stood outside the coffee shop where she had stolen the phone to begin with.

Where she promised herself she would never return.

            She wanted to curl in on herself and just stop existing altogether.

            Her phone buzzed distracting her from her inward spiralling.

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