Profile: (M/N) (L/N)

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Appearance(Picture//to be added): (M/N) pulls off the bed head look, giving off a laid back vibe. Ironically, looks mean everything to him so, his hair is always doused with numerous of expensive hair products despite popular belief. Additionally, his hair is originally straight, but every few weeks he receives a perm. However, he still claims that his curls are all natural as well as his dyed platinum blonde hair. This claim is also invalid as his hair is originally (H/C). Moving on his left ear is heavily pierced; sporting eight ear piercings. Plus, two beauty marks adorn his face, one right underneath his left eye and the other at the right corner of his plump lips. He wears the normal school attire much like Daniel with the exception of his tie and top button being undone most of the time.

Personality: His popularity is due to not only his astonishing good looks, but also due to the persona he publicly displays. Over all, using the nice guy trope to gain the upper hand in his high school's hierarchy. Almost always serving as the mediator amongst his peers, and putting arguments to bed before they turn too violent without using unnecessary force on his part as well. Although, secretly, he finds fighting, both verbally and physically, intriguing. Still he castes away his hidden interest on the subject in favor of becoming a rising idol of Jae Won High causing a lot of people to wonder how he and Zack Lee ever became friends in the first place.

In truth, in his younger days, he cared less for upholding his image, and let himself get mixed up in all sorts of fights. Some of his most notorious and defining battles happening when he butted heads with Zack. However, Zack amongst his other childhood friends seem to be the only people aware of his fighting capabilities giving him both, an alluring and mysterious composition. Other male's often use this fact to back up that (M/N) is nothing more than a pretty boy, and without his good looks or friends he would of been eaten alive by the world a long time ago. While the female population finds it charming, naming him a gentlemen for his refusal to solve problems with his fist rather than his words.

Regardless of the two sexes confliction over his nonexistent high school fighting reputation, neither sides can deny he's extremely smart while he's at the top of all his classes. Frequently, having teachers brag on him and reprimanding his peers, specifically male peers, to be more like him. Despite the constant praise, the role model student is never heard gloating, or putting others down for their shortcomings when in comparison to his own successes. His supposedly humble nature keeps anyone from truly hating his guts, and increases other's admiration towards him.

However, when he's alone or left to his own thoughts, his personality takes on an extremely different twist. His thoughts usually filled to the brim with malice, which is completely unexpected based on his displayed characteristics. Regardless, his unspoken opinions often take on the form of patronizing remarks of people he interacts with daily. At times he'll even be as bold as to openly give others two-sided compliments, especially upon facing people who he deems to be at the bottom of the ladder or weaker minded. And due to his own cockiness he believes that's a fair amount of the school body. Still no one ever seems to notice his antics, let alone question him when he does so, specifically when taking into account his reputation. He's Zack Lee's childhood friend, who's nothing like him. (M/N) is good natured and a tad bit naïve; perfectly harmless. All in all, his teacher's pet façade keeps his true personality at bay, and helps him have an abundance of people to use in order to reach his goals.

Age: 16+

Gender: Male

History: [LOCKED]
(As the story progresses information will be added to his history. The added details will be history you learn in future chapters, but summarized here to help with clarification on (M/N) character!)

Academic Record: Even in his younger years, (M/N) was an exceptional student. His grades ranging from high B's all the way to high A's. Admittedly, he dropped the ball early in his middle school career after transferring schools. In this time, a few low B's and high C's managed to slip into his transcript. Although that period of his life was short lived thanks to his strict academic step-father. Overall, his parent's interference caused him to step up his game, and continues to do so as he's now a proud straight A student.

Likes: Himself, sweets(specifically lollipops), piercings, tattoos, being worshiped, and his friends barely.

Dislikes: Basically anyone who isn't him, most authorative figures, being underestimated, needy chicks or guys, sour food, and Jace Park.

(A/N): As you can see the reader in this story doesn't hold traits that belong to your typical protagonist. His personality is pretty rotten in fact. However, he will improve as many characters in Lookism tend to do. His opinions on people specifically Jace Park will also change. As I fully attend to make him and various other cannon characters love interest.

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