Chapter 2

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The day I was to leave for Hogwart's had arrived. I'd spent the previous day walking about our mansion by myself waiting for this day to arrive, while the house elves packed my suitcases.

My mother drove me to the station but left as soon as I was out of the car. Addrek was coming home from a business trip and she wanted to be there to greet him. I was just happy he hadn't come home before I left.

I looked around the crowded station, packed full of muggles, and I instantly felt lost. Pyewacket seemed to sense my nervousness, because he meowed reassuringly.             

Following my mother's precise instructions I made my way to between platform nine and ten.  Mother said to run straight through the pillar with my trolley, but I wasn't sure  which one she meant! There were fives minutes left before the train left the station so I decided I had to try one of them. I took a deep breath and was about to go for it when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

'You do realise you're about to run straight into a wall don't you?' said and incredibly handsome blonde boy, with a smirk on his face.                                                                                                        'Maybe I like running into walls.' I replied haughtily.                                                                                 'Have fun with that then.' He said smirking again, 'If you're trying to get to platform nine and three quarters but, I'd suggest that wall there.' He pointed at the opposite pillar and made his way towards it.                                                                                                                                                  'Thanks.' I called a moment to late, as he disappeared through it.

There was only two minutes until departure time and no time to waste. I made sure Pyewacket's carrier was secured to the trolley and I went for it. One second I was facing a brick wall, and the next I was staring at a huge red steam train, the Hogwart's Express.


I boarded just as it started whistling and started looking for a seat. Everywhere was filled up, but I compartment with jus a pair of ginger twin boys busy in discussion with eachother.
'Any room in here?' I asked hopefully.                                                                                                                'Yeah go ahead.' one said with a friendly smile,                                                                                           'We were just talking-'                                                                                                                                   'About stuff.' finished the other one.
'Thanks.' I laughed stowing my luggage away and sitting down, 'I'm Pandora.' I winced at the sound of the horrible name my mother hand given me.                                                                                         'I'm Fred.'                                                                                                                                                               'I'm George, would you like a biscuit?' He said holding out a bag of custard creams.                        'Yes please.' I took one and ate it before I noticed both twins were staring at me. I was about to give them a puzzled look when I turned into a canary.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2012 ⏰

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