Chapter 1

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My name is Pandora Tersan and today, on my fifteenth birthday, my mother has just dropped a bombshell.

'Pandora, Addrek and I have decided that it would be best for you to attend Hogwarts this year.'My mother stated as I was in the middle of unwrapping my presents. My shiny new firebolt which i had been so excited about was now forgotten.

'I thought you didn't want me to go there under any circumstances because the standards were slipping or something? At least that's what you told me every time I've asked before.' I said accusingly, confused.

'It is true that I don't want you mixing with mudbloods and the like,' she cleared her throat, her speech obviously rehearsed, 'But we feel that it would be good for you to mix with young witches and wizards of the same blood status as you and Addrek and I will be very busy this year with work and we won't be able to accomodate your education here.'

Everything was clear now. Of course, she had drastically changed her mind on Hogwarts because Addrek wanted me out of the way. I didn't expect anything more from her, since she had married Addrek three years ago she had completely changed, agreeing to his every opinion, doing whatever he said. The only thing she hadn't done was send me away yet even though me and Addrek have never got on, correction, I see him as what he is, slimey and minipulative, and he thinks I'm an annoying brat. So even though I barely knew my mother anymore, it kind of hurt.

'You have said before that you wanted to go anyway, Pandora.' my mother stated.  'Right, whatever mother.' I replied monotone, as I got up from the breakfast table and headed for my room. I expected her to scold me for my lack of manners but she thankfully she let it go.


The next day was busy, busy, busy. My mother had even taken time off from her demanding job to help me get school supplies as term was only three days away. She woke me up at the crack of dawn, ignoring my bleary eyed protests that we could go shopping later.

'If we go now we'll have the full day to shop and we can get your uniform before all the riff-raff arrive.' she explained before throwing a selection of clothes on my bed. 'Now hurry up or I'l go without you.'

That woke me up sharply as I needed to get clothes for the weekend and if my mother was allowed free reign I'd have three trunkfulls of full length robes and dresses.I threw on a dark blue shirt and short black skirt, quickly outlined my eyes with kohl and bolted down the stairs so I'd have a  chance to get breakfast before we left for Diagon Alley.

When I got downstairs mother raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow at what I was wearing. She disapproved of 'muggle' clothing, but as long as I looked tidy and respectable she let me wear what I wanted. After a few bites of toast and raspberry jam mother hurried me towards our impressive fireplace.

'Pandora, I want you to go on ahead to Diagon Alley, I have buisness to attend to but I will join you shortly. Here is some gold to buy school robes and equipment, but do not buy any casual clothes without my approval, we will shop for those later.' She handed me a bulging sack of galleons and the jar of floo powder. I grabbed some, said goodbye, clearly said 'Diagon Alley' and threw the powder over myself.


When I opened my eyes I was in the cobbled street of Diagon Alley. It strange being up so early as the normally packed streets were almost empty. I suppose it was a good idea to get in before the crowds.

I decided to get my school shopping over and done with quickly so I could have a look around before mother domanired our shopping trip. I went Twilfit and Tattings first to get my robes. I had to admit when Itried on my new Hogwarts robes I was excited. It was true I had wanted to go there for years. It gets pretty lonely getting home tutored all the time with only the the ball invitation every now and again to see people my own age.

After I'd purchased my books and equipment ( and a handy bag with an expansion and featherlight charm inside it to put everything in), I decided to have a look in The Magical Menagerie. Mother hadn't said I couldn't buy a pet after all.

I stepped inside the shop to be greeted by hoots and shrieks from the cages and tanks. 'May I help you?' said a tired looking shop assistant. 'I'm just looking for the moment.' I smiled. 'Alright call if you need help or anything.' they replied with a yawn and disapeared into the back of the shop.

As I walked around I toyed with the idea of a bright eyed black rat, adorable yellow puffskein, elegant burmese looking cat or the large green lizard that looked just like a small dragon complete with tiny wings, that lay sleeping in the corner of its tank. I was just about to call the assistant to ask about a speckled grey owl when I something stabbed the back of my leg. 'OW!' I yelled and spun around to see an huge, sleek black cat with long fur and green eyes staring up at me.

'Pyewackett! How did you get out!? exclaimed the assistant who had burst into the shop when he'd heard my yell. 'Sorry I was just feeding him out back we haven't put him on sale yet and he must have somehow slipped out.' The assistant attempted to pick up the cat but he hissed, lashing his plumed tail, darted behind me, pawed at my leg and mewed. I picked him up easily and he purred and rubbed his headed against my chin.

'He likes you.' the assistant said looking suprised. 'Pyewackett hasn't let anyone come near him yet, a breeder sold us him and another cat, Crookshanks, and we haven't been able to find homes for either of them yet.' the assistant looked hopeful and confided, 'I have a strong suspician boths cats are half kneazle.'

'How much is he?' I asked, looking down at the large purring cat in my arms.                                          'He's a pretty special cat so he's twenty galleons.'

 I still had enough galleons to buy about twenty cats, so I counted out the gold I needed and bought comfortable wicker carrier for him. I thanked the assistant and went find my mother.

I found my mother outside Fortescue's, we used to go their for ice-cream when I was small, but we just used it as a meeting point the rare times we went shopping together now. 'I hope you got all your school shopping done before you bought that.' said my mother, immediatly  noticing my pet carrier. 'I did, it's all in here.' I said pointing to my bag, ' Please let me keep him, I won't be at home most of the time anyway so he won't mess up the house.' I pleaded. 'I was going suggest you bought an owl today, but I suppose since you are allowed to bring a pet, you can keep him.'

The rest of the day passed quickly, the empty streets were suddenly bustling and the shops were packed. It almost felt like I was shopping with the mother I'd had before she married Addrek. She let me have almost free reign on my clothes and even made some really good suggestions like my new pair of dragonskin boots. At the end of the day I was so worn out from shopping I collapsed into bed early and fell asleep immediatly, Pyewackett curled at my feet.


So here's my first chapter of Silver & Green! Please comment and I would appreciate constructive critism 'cause it's my first time writing on wattpad:) She will start Hogwarts in the next chapter, I know the start is a bit slow, but thanks for reading anyway:D please comment!!! <3

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