Chapter 5: Lipgloss

Start from the beginning

"When are you going to tell him?

"Right now" I sighed.

"Want me to go with you?"

I shook my head and left the room.

"Dante!" I said looking around.

"Yes." I jumped realizing he was right behind me.

"I've made my decision."

"Yes..." He said as if he already knew what was coming and couldn't wait to hear the words come out of my mouth.

"You can... be my parental figure." I said hating myself for having to say those words.

He didn't say anything, all he did was smile and give me this twisted smile. I walked back upstairs to talk to Nicholas about when I can go see the witch.

"Monday. If that's still what you want.:

"It is."

"No." Dante said making me realize he was even there.

"Excuse me but when did this become your decision and not mine?"

"When you gave me permission to be your legal guardian. I forbid you to become a slayer."

He's been my legal guardian less than 5 minutes ago and already he is making me hate myself for agreeing to it. I don't think I can live with Dante making all my decisions for me.

"Well I don't care what you think."

"Fine, kill yourself, I don't care anyway!" Even though he said it, he's tone said that he really did care.

"What time can this witch see me?" I asked Nicholas.

"Noon." He replied.

"Great, thank you for making that appointment."

"You're welcome."

Monday didn't come fast, Dante kept going milking the whole parental figure. I keep regretting that more and more with each day. We decided to register me for school on Tuesday. School starts 2 weeks from Wednesday. I was going to be a 15 year old freshman, I started school late so, I will be older than everyone else. I'm nervous, freshman year is hard enough even without starting out at a whole new school with absolutely no friends.

While I waited waited for Monday to roll around, I read one of the books on vampires. It was called 'The Start of it All'. The book talked about the first vampire having a spell done to save his life. He was given immortal cells, ones that never die, and just keep healing. The boy was weak before the spell but, became stronger over time. The other issue was in order to survive, your body needs more blood than normal and no longer needs to consume human food to live. They way only way to get the blood they need to survive into their system is to drink it. The vampire discovered, when he drinks from a human's vein, he can put his venom (or immortal cells) into the person's blood stream causing them to turn into a vampire.

"Getting up Marie?" At first I assumed it was Nicholas asking me but, to my surprise it wasn't.

"It's 10:45 Marie, you need to leave in 45 minutes if you are going to get to your slayer appointment with the witch." Dante said as he walked in.

"Why are you waking me up, where's Nicholas?" I asked, it wasn't that I was mad or anything, just curious.

"He had a friend call him for help so, he asked me if I could take you. Being the amazing brother that I am, I said I would. So get changed and I will meet you downstairs."

It's weird how he was so willing to give me a ride. I better stay on guard incase Dante has another reason for helping his brother and I.

I got dressed in jeans, black boots, and my new leather jacket, Nicholas gave me. I also hid one of my stakes in my bag, just in case.

Dante and I got into his black sports car and were off to my appointment. We were about ten minutes into the drive when Dante pulled over."Is there something wrong with the car?"

" Nope." Replied Dante.

"Then why did we stop?"

"Is this really what you want Lipgloss?"

"If you're asking me if I really want to become a slayer, yes. I've given it a lot of thought."

I grabbed my stake from my bag and pointed it directly at Dante's heart. "Dante drive me to my appointment. Also never call me Lipgloss again."

"Now Lipgloss put the stake down, I'm still stronger than you. You're not a slayer yet."

I put the stake back in my bag while Dante started to drive again. After another five minutes I realized Dante had never called my Lipgloss before. "Just out of curiosity, what made you call me Lipgloss?" I asked not knowing if I really wanted to know the answer.

"Oh I don't know... The fact that you wear it all the time." He replied.

"Well don't call me that." I ordered.

"Sure, whatever you say....Lipgloss."

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