'Known gangster, wanted for 3 years.'

'Found unconscious outside an old warehouse.'

'Investigations of warehouse are ongoing.'

So the only reason they were able to catch him was because he was unconscious? Well, even if it seemed dirty, she's just glad they caught him.

There was no more information about him, so she closed out of the file for his data and continued to check the other prisoners. There were only a few since they lived in a small town.

The one prisoner she despised the most was Park Jimin. He had only been there for a month and already seemed to know how to get under the girls skin, and since he was a very dangerous criminal she had to bring him food. And since Jeon Jungkook were in for the same reason, they both had to go to one place; solitude.

The way this prison dealt with prisoners who committed SA and murder were a little different, they were put in solitude for the entirety of the time they spent in the prison, somewhat of a safety protocol to further protect the other prisoners. And since they were in solitude, someone had to bring them food.

There were only 5 other prisoners, which surprisingly were all teenagers, maybe about 2 years younger then herself, since she was 20. The oldest was 19, and the youngest was 16. They really grew into liking each other, and they were surprisingly very kind to her, but Cole... not so much. (These ages were based off of their ages in 2020.)

Their names were Soobin, Hueningkai, Taehyun, Beomgyu, and Yeonjun. The oldest was Yeonjun, who seemed to really like her. The reason they were in was for theft, but that was all. She hoped they wouldn't turn to anything else.

Seeing that it was nearing 12, the lunch ladies would be arriving soon to cook lunch and then [Y/n] would have to go and feed ungrateful Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook.

She sighed in frustration, before she pulled out a loop of keys. She was more in charge of keeping track of the prisoners and bringing food to the prisoners in solitude, so she was mainly the one to collect the prisoners for lunch. Then again, the 5 other prisoners never gave her trouble.

She headed to the first cell that was closest, 204, which had Yeonjun in it.

Each cell only had 1 prisoner each, since they weren't allowed in a cell with anyone else, even the same gender. Again, somewhat of a safety protocol as well as a privilege, since their small town hardly ever pumped out criminals.

"Ms.[L/n]!" She heard Yeonjun call, as she stepped in front of his cell. She chuckled, as he seemed overjoyed at her presence. "How are you today? Are you here to get me for lunch?"

She chuckled at his energy, before pulling out the correct key and unlocking his cell door, beckoning him to come out. He happily obliged, walking through the door and standing next to her. "I've been good, and yes, I'm here because your lunch will be ready soon. How about yourself, Yeonjun?" She flashed him a beautiful white smile.

"Bored." His shoulders slumped, as they began to head towards the next prisoner. "That cell is so boring!" He huffed, cheeks puffed up in somewhat of a pout. "I'm telling you, Ms. [L/n], you should just let us 5 stay at your house." He joked, a big smile on his lips.

She laughed sincerely, her face lit up with joy. "Yeonjun, you know I can't do that! I'm sorry, but you'll have to deal with this little prison for another year." She joked, giving him a cute little wink.

He sighed, before rolling his eyes. He mumbled incoherently about not having anything to do, his lip stick out in protest.

She chuckled, before patting his head, even though she was slightly shorter than him. "You know I care about you but not enough to break the rules." She joked, eliciting a huff from Yeonjun.

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