The Battle and out come

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Y/N is standing across a Arena looking at Riser and his peerage preparing to fight Riser has a smug smile on his face thinking he's going to win how wrong he is.

Riser: This is your last chance human surrender or die

Y/N: That will not happen after all I will be facing everyone in front of me so no thanks

Riser:  Alright then guess well just kill you after all humans are weak HAHAHA

Riser and his peerage laugh but you just show a blank face back at him GP and Jackle pop up on ur shoulders

GP: If I may Y/N can you use your third support that we have not used in years

Jackle: I agree with this Y/N after all you are outnumber but we can change that if we have our other ally

Both of them facing you as you look at them once before looking back at Riser.

Y/N: *Sighes and looks down thinking*

Both Jackle and GP look at you as you look at them and nod your head yes.

GP: Well then I shall tell him he will be happy * Mind* Guess were exposing ourselves to the devil faction now

GP looks at Jackle and nods then disappear telling your other friend for your battle

Jackle: Shall I prepare your armor Y/N?

You nod as Jackle disappears

Greyfia: Ladies and Gentelmen may I have your attention please

As everyone looked at the screen seeing you and Riser and his peerage

Greyfia: Now then everyone this battle is between Riser Pheniex VS Y/N L/N this battle will determine if Riser will have full custody on what Mr. L/N has with his weapons and if Mr. L/N wins then he will have all members from Riser Pheniex and will not Marry Rias Gremory the battle will begin in a few minutes.

With that you wait for the match to begin just then GP appears on your right shoulder

GP: Y/N he has agreed to show up but but he will be waiting for he needs to show everyone his surprise

Y/N looks at him

Y/N: Alright just make sure he comes in with a bang k?

GP nods and disappears just then your weapons appear on you which are a M249 with a halo scope on it then your outfit comes

A/N: On top

You inspect your armor looking at your arms first then your legs you also look at your M249 you lift the top and put the bullet loop in putting the top down and cocking it.

Y/N: Hey GP give me a red smoke

GP: As you wish

GP spwans you a red smoke you give off a devilish smile as you look at it and put it on you waist.

Y/N mind: Remebrr the plan GP

GP mind: Of course our thunder should be here in a few minutes good luck Y/N God speed to you

Greyfia: Are our oppentents ready

As she looks at you and Risers peerage you nod as Riser and group nod yes as well

Greyfia: Then let the battle begin

Riser's peerage run at you as slowly walk to them when Risers peerage were getting close to the middle you grab your red smoke and throw it in the middle for your thunder as they get in the middle there was an explosion sending everyone at different directions Risers peerage is badly hurt Riser looks up and sees a plane with guns on it's right side

Riser ie confused on why is their such a human weapon here and how it got here is the better question.

Y/N: if your wondering why a Lockheed ac 130 gunship is here is because of him

Y/N points to his left shoulder seeing GP there

Y/N: If your going to end me hurry up

Y/N runs straight at Riser who throws a fireball at you which you jump over it and start shooting at him seeing your bullets going through him Riser then flies up in the air sending lots of fireballs at your direction which you take one sending lots of smoke everywhere Riser starts laughing thinking he won was he so wrong

Riser: Is that all you have human just some weak air plane and a few bullets you are more pathetic then I thought

As Riser continues to laugh he didn't know he woken up Y/N third AI as the smoke clears we see Y/N standing there doing like nothing happened the devilis in the room look behind him and see a been that they thought was forgotten

Riser slowly stops laughing as he sees him

????: Is this that is all of you devilis

Every devil in the room gets scared seeing him once more

????: I see that your war had ended but you rely on something what was it oh yes humans

As ???? slowly walks to Riser who is walking back slowly as ???? is in front of Riser he falls to the ground and ???? Looks down on him seeing him so scared

????: So do I get my fun or does Y/N finish you devil

Y/N: You can have fun Warden after all that is why I brought you here

As Y/N disapperes and is in front of the devils on stage the screens go static Y/N looks around the room seeing everyone but Issei and Asia scared even Sirzechs this confused you

Y/N: So why are you all scared and look like you guys are gonna die

Rias: Wait Y/N you don't know him?

Y/N: Of course I know him he's Warden my other AI why?

A/N: Wardon from Halo 5

Y/N looks around the room again and gets no answer until Warden appears behind you

Warden: It is done the Phoenix is finished

As Riser appears all bloody and cuts everywhere and only has one arm on him Y/N smiles seeing this

Y/N: Nice work Warden now that that's done let's go home so I can sleep that meeting sucks

As Y/N walks to the door with Warden following behind he stops and looks at Sirzechs

Y/N: I expect the ladies at my house tomorrow Sirzechs anyway see ya

As you walk out and disappear everyone in the room but Issei and Asia who look confused

Issei: Ummm Rias who was that other guy

Rias looks at Issei and Asia then looks down

Rias: T-that was Warden a powerful sacred gear

This surprises them that Y/N has a sacred gear

Asia: What you mean Y/N has a sacred gear yet Y/N doesn't know this?

Rias: Y/N has a powerful power not even every myth can stand against him

They both look at Rias a little scared and more confused

Issei: Why you mean that guy that nearly killed Riser is even powerful then your brother and everyone in this room?

Rias looks at Issei and Asia

Rias: Yes what Y/N has is called Guerrilla Warfare a powerful scared gear that could wipe out everything within months

This scares both Issei and Asia knowing this information

Sirzechs: This is troublesome

Everyone looks at Sirzechs who is trying to composer himself

Sirzechs: We may or may not have and ally or enemy everyone I want you to do nothing to Wardens host and I mean it he is powerful enough to wipe out everything good day everyone

As everyone leaves a Dragon God watch everything go down and is frighting on hear the news and disappears everyone will know that Y/N has the most powerful gear that not even God can handle.

High School dxd x Male Reader Guerilla warfareWhere stories live. Discover now