Chapter 7- Lost

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(*sniffing* I never understood the ending of that show...)

A huge tree monster with at least eight legs crawled out of the forest and onto the path. He was at least 30 feet long, with a golem-like face and several thin, jointing arms sticking out of his back. He had the body build of a spider, and the arms on his back held the captives he'd taken from us. His eyes were indents with glowing amber stones in them, and his teeth were sharp roots. There was fungi growing on random parts of his body, and two single trees grew on his back and his head. Each of his legs either ended in large, flat feet, or large points. There was a lone knot on his forehead, from which a necklace dangled. I then noticed the billions of skeletal corpses covered in moss that were strewn on his back. The tree on his back was impaled with several different swords, spears, and axes. More skeletons were hung on the branches of the tree, and a single solitary axe was stuck in his head. The monster had obviously been in several fights, and won all of them. 

The monster roared in their faces, obviously ready for any challenge. "Steady, steady..." I whispered to my men. "Get the RPG's." The monster slowly approached, watching their every movements. Behind me, I heard the clicks of the RPGs being loaded. 

"Aim..." I whispered, aiming my thompson, getting ready. Scout drew his AK, while the rest took out their weapons. 

"ENGAGE!" I yelled, ducking down along with Scout, Timeist, Rocket, and Jimmy, revealing the men crouched down with RPGs aimed and ready. 

The launched the rockets, which went flying into the monster's frontside. The explosions knocked us back, and the whole forest around the monster was up in flames. The monster, however, survived. "Let's turn this bitch into lumber!" Scout yelled, releasing hundreds of rounds out of his minigun. 

The monster roared, and rushed forward, plowing through the men with the RPGs. He swiped a paw, sending half of them flying. The other half he crushed with one of the flat-sided feet he had. Scout put away his minigun and began drawing something else. 

"EAT BLADES, GROOT!" Scout screamed, taking out a golden chainsaw, and charging the monster. 

While scout had him distracted, I jumped onto his back and over to the arms that were holding his prisoners. I unsheathed my sword and Cut down the arms, letting the captives free. "Get out of here!" I shouted. The girls jumped off of the monster's back, running behind the group. I looked at Scout, who had cut the beast into pieces. The rest of the men finished him off. The creature reared backwards, throwing me off his back. 

I started to get up, but when I looked, I saw a shadowy figure walking slowly towards me. He was wearing thin armor, with a helmet that looked kind of like a paintball mask. He had two revolvers holstered on each of his hips, and he looked down at me when he reached me. 

I started to get up, but he quickly drew one of his revolvers and put a bullet in my leg. I cried out in pain, Holding my leg. 

I sat up, looking at him. "W-who are you?" I asked, my voice quivering. "I am Drakmir." He spoke, with an electronic voice. 

"Are you...a bounty hunter?" I asked. 

"Of sorts..." He said. I examined his armor, and spotted the symbol of the Grand Shadow Army on one of his shoulder pauldrons. 

"You're with the Shadows!" I realized. He chuckled. 

"You are observant," He said. "Shadowfax was right." my eyes widened. 

"Shadowfax sent you?" I gasped. 

"He did. He spoke highly of you, despite you being his mortal enemy." Drakmir answered. 

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