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Miles apart

A love thats burning within

Two beating hearts

Do you remember when we met back then

The day was bright and warm

Just like your smile

We were standing outside of the school doors

My heart was beating at the speed of a million miles

Everytime i see you my soul smiles

Our hearts beating in sync

I knew you felt it when that song played

And you grabbed my hand and my heart sang

We danced as though no one else was looking

The truth, they were all staring at the beautiful connection that was becoming

The pairing of You and Me

The sweet sweet symphony

I, the melody

You, the harmony

An addicting composition

Of just you and me


Hey guys! Feel free to comment and give me feedback on my work. i know its not much but hey it is what it is. Dont think just because I write poems and have this cute little book that i'll put up with hateful and mean comments. If you even try then you can pack your bags and the doors right behind you.

P.S. You guys tell me if you want me to post a quote after each piece.

Thank you for reading,


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