Chapter Five: Kissing Booth

Start from the beginning

     "Oh."  I heard Hazel mumble from beside the booth.
       Th oh to confident Junior took the closet step anyone has to the booth all lunch. They leap and attack my face like wet cats.
But Noah took his sweet time. He placed his hands on the edge of the booth as he leaned in closer to my face.  
         My heart beat picked up the closer his lips were to mine. Then he paused and smiled before sticking his tongue out. I widened my eyes and was about to protest but my open mouth only gave him the entrance he wanted.
            He slipped his tongue over my lips and touched the tip of my tongue with his. I could feel the metal of his  piecing rubbing my tongue. Noah tilted his head to the side so he would be able to push his tongue further.

Then he slipped his hand into my bleached hair and merged our lips moaning as they crashed together. I pulled away breathlessly
"I bet I'm attractive now."

"I'm not the one who moaned." I remarked with a cold smirk. He shrugged his shoulders and pointed to my crotch "at least I'm not the one with a hard-on"
I gasped and looked down only to find nothing sticking out. Jackass
I slowly returned my eyes to his this time glaring.
"Gotcha." He teased walking away shaking his head.
"Whatever Stormy." I mumbled and whipped back around with a satisfied grin stretched across his face.

"What was that Bunny?"


"Cuz it sounds like you just called me stormy but... that would be weird seeing that apparently I'm no longer that Boy"

" it slipped off my tongue." I replied and turned back to the girl on line "Next!" I announced loudly even though she was already standing.

         "Sure babes, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Don't call me that either." I shot at him and he bit his lip.

       "Then what do I call you now?" He inquired stepping back to me and crossing his arms. I could see the enjoyment in his eyes as we spoke. As if talking with  me was the biggest kick he's had in a while.
    "Call me gone." I offered shrugging my shoulders

  " and Why would I call you that?"

"Because that's what I'm. About to be." I peeled the name tag off and slapped it onto Frankie's chest stepping down from the booth.
        "Wait it's not time yet!" Frankie objected following after me.
                "No leave him." Noah began shaking his head. "He'll just come crawling back."

         "Excuse me? Who's doing the crawling again? I don't think I heard you right Because the last time I checked you Just shoved your tongue into my mouth. "

                  "Don't make this scene here and now."


"Eli. Seriously be mature."

     I gasped dramatically and grabbed my chest." I was mature. Asshole. I'm not the one who let beefy boneheads solve my problems I confronted you like a mature young adult. But you rejected me and turned your pimply back on me."

       "I never rejected you. And my back does not have pimples. Take that back right now! Sleep walker!" He countered.

" Bed wetter!" I retorted

" Virgin!"




  Noah stiffened and  glanced around frantically Before settling his Extremely dilated glaring grey eyes on me.  He took one stride  and Tightened his hand around my neck lifting my feet off the ground. My eyes widened with shock and fear. His grip was too strong to wriggle out of I clawed at his fingers  pleading with my big brown eyes.

There were shouts surrounding me but it bounced off the fortress of this fear.
Why are you making him do this!

Why aren't you working harder at earning his honesty? you have one  job Eli. Stop making me intervene.

Suddenly his grip loosened and I dropped to the ground gasping for air. I wrapped my fingers around my neck wincing at the sharp pains still stabbing me.

Noah backed up in shock at his own actions and for a second I could his eyes return to normal as he dropped to his knees reaching out to me in confusion.
Then His friend grabbed him by his sweater and Noah's eyes returned to dilated.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Noah?!" Joseph. Exploded restraining Noah by gripping tightly onto his biceps.
"You gonna let this punk get you kicked off the team?" Joseph growled  using all his strength to keep Noah from attacking me again.

        I rose from the floor straightening my spine. "Right. Cuz that's what it always been: the team over me. You're right Noah, you  haven't changed. You only ever showed me who you truly are."
         I gathered all the saliva in my mouth and leaned over releasing spit Straight on to his red face.

    "In a country where you can literally be anything, I will never understand why you chose to be a dick." I shot at Noah before taking one last disgusted look at him and turning around. Just as the bell rang.

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