"Where were you?" He asked, admiring Charasuke who was smiling at him a few centimeters from his face.

He pulled his face back a bit more to appreciate him amongst the colored lights and the movement of the place. His scenery was an exquisite deja-vu of the first time he saw him.

Short, perfect hair, beautiful eyes that seemed to be more attractive and striking with that black shade extending their features, thin lips with that strawberry-red tint that went so well with his pale skin that made him look like a traditional porcelain doll.

He was lost in the dress the other was wearing and especially in those long legs that ended in uncomfortably high heels.

"I went to prepare myself for you," The Uchiha finally replied, winking an eye at him.

He really couldn't understand it; it was so complicated to understand but not any less exciting.

Chara grabbed him by the arm and guided him to a table where he had previously been waiting for him with a girl and ordered an exaggerated amount of alcohol to drink as he sat by the other's side, appearing like an expensive escort.

"You asked me out here just to break a girl's heart," He couldn't help but say, interested to know the hidden intentions of the Uchiha, trying to not look too absorbed in how good the transvestite guy looked.

Charasuke took a sip from his drink before answering.

"I still feel your semen sliding down my thighs and you come at me with this," The raven complained. "You know, I wasn't with her because I loved her. Hey, don't make fun!" The Uchiha claimed when he saw Menma roll his eyes. "She asked me to go out with her promising that she'd do anything possible to satisfy me, and she did. If I wanted something, she'd do anything to give me it..."

"How miserable you must've been," He snapped sarcastically, interrupting.

"I know I'm a jerk, Menma. Thank you very much," Charasuke complained, drinking again from his drink before continuing. His make-up stained the glass. "Anyway, she's pretty, she's a great girl, but despite all her efforts," He wrinkled his nose. "She wasn't enough."

This only proved Menma's theory about how complicated Charasuke was for anything. He didn't even have to ask for the other to start explaining on his own.

"She was so submissibe to me that it became sad," The brightness in those black eyes changed under Menma's watchful eye and did not lose detail of how the Uchiha turned to look at him with a big smile. "But then you came and that sadness became a latent desire to tear her apart so that she could leave me."

"Are you saying that I'm guilty? Don't drag me into your existential bullshit."

He had complained seriously this time. He didn't like being put in matters he had no idea of and Charasuke had gotten him into a rather complicated one.

In spite of the how annoyed he wanted to seem, the Uchiha didn't erase that smile that was dedicated to him as he played with [Menma's] dark hair, arranging it in an attempt to make Menma understand was flirting.

"That's why it's your fault..." Chara mentioined, waiting a few seconds before explaining himself. "She was as submissive and you... so fucking difficult."

Menma could have expected such a strange answer from Charasuke, but he couldn't help but feel out of place when he heard it. By the time he noticed, the Uchiha was sitting next to him, hugging his arm and bringing his face to his ear, blowing into it and trying to provoke a chill that he immediately got.

"Menma, you have no idea of how much I've wanted to please you since I've met you," He whispered, almost cornering him onto the wall. "I'm beautiful, right? You like me, right? I need to hear it."

He was sure anyone would answer said question with that sensual tone that only the Uchiha could achieve, but he wouldn't. Menma only stared at him as if he didn't care about that pleading expression on his beautiful face in the slightest, the face of the one who made him see and feel pleasures he had never experienced by himself before.

Anhedonia || Ckonny_Nickole » vonlaneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu